You really like to construct your own version of reality and then position yourself as a super clever person. Enjoy.
Also, you should look up what “begs the question” means. Then give me the mental gymnastics. Should be fun.
You really like to construct your own version of reality and then position yourself as a super clever person. Enjoy.
Also, you should look up what “begs the question” means. Then give me the mental gymnastics. Should be fun.
Its always been allowed, no one cared till it was streamers who made it. I remember Zygor advertising in og vanilla
First off, thanks for calling me clever mid-deflection.
Finally a reply with a brain, thanks for calling out my colloquial use of a common logical fallacy. My apologies. But I’m not interested in fighting that strawman. I’d rather admit fault, fix it, and move forward. Not dodge it and offer nothing. The fact that you know its a fallacy means you knew what i meant and STILL offered nothing. Pretty indicative of the fact you understand what I’m asking for and can’t find any support. Easiest way to say you have nothing to support your stance, that pathetic strawman. Bwahaha.
Im not the one failing to define selective enforcement. You and your boy still haven’t. Claiming something exists you can’t prove, lol. THAT is restructuring reality. I wish you hadn’t just parroted my own posts back to me. You might as well be a flat earther at this point. Epicly sad. Don’t bite on this, its hyperbole not a strawman.
Let me fix it. If the reality you put forward actually proves me wrong, that same reality asks the question why you haven’t done that yet. Any answer?
Nothing about pirates? I think this might literally be the only relevant question when dealing with you and the core to understanding this reality you think i don’t belong to. You’re really just going to opt out of explaining that wild thing you summoned from nowhere? Points in your favor, for sure.
I don’t think you’ve figured it out yet, so here: I don’t care that much.
Cared enough to return to the post, cared enough to try to catch me in a logical fallacy, cared enough to call me a pirate LOL… but can’t care enough to actually offer anything.
One proper noun away from convincing me of your stance and now you don’t care, lol ok.
simple facts and logic say it’s a ToS violation it’s up to blizzard to tell us that no, it is in fact not (and hopefully to provide a believable reason why not as well)
Zygor has been around and charging subscriptions for nearly as long as WoW’s been around. Blizzard’s very good at waging lawfare against people treading on their rights. If they didn’t want these apps around they’d have been shut down by now.
well yes, that’s our point this is an issue of enforcement. blizzard is selectively enforcing their ToS.
Got any examples of any other addon being shut down for monetization?
Was waiting for someone to bring this up.
All the walking a thin line arguments are total kaka. Its all about the relationship happening in the background that most of us are not privy too.
Always love this topic and the fact that some clutch their pearls over this addon but Zygor, Dugi, Johanna’s etc that work the same exact way never get mentioned.