Why is addon like restedXP allowed by blizzard?

Then zygor would have been stopped a long time ago. Their addon is free but you pay for the service. Their service is the subscription to the information. They advertise on some well known wow streamers sites I couldn’t believe for a hot second blizzard does not known about them. They are rather blatant in their ads saying exactly what it does.

I see you don’t understand sarcasm :roll_eyes:

I remember “Carbonite” back in BC. That thing literally guided you directly to everything in order. Same thing happened. They made it pay to play and it was promptly banned. I dont know. Its not overwhelmingly bad. But you can easily tell who is using rested xp. Just try to do certain escorts’ etc. You will know.

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The add on is free, the guides you import are not. Hence the room for allowance. No wonder you struggle to grasp that. Still so upset about dual spec you can’t even think straight.

And yet Zygor has existed nearly as long as WoW itself.

Don’t forget about zygor, it’s on the same boat

First off, good for you and not needing a guide to a twenty year old game. But here’s the kicker. Your opinion (because thats what it is, not fact) is irrelevant, because its not a violation of tos under any circumstances. Good luck getting that changed.

Since it needs to be said over and over to the anti-rxp crowd. The addon is not charging you for ANY PART OF THE ADDON. You can stop gaslighting any time now. Guides /= the addon. Sorry, but reality comes first.

Failing to understand how a meritocracy can be metaphorically implied here does not make the comparison unhinged. Using that singular word to derail a discussion to insist i made this about politics might be though. It is very nice attempt at a straw man as well. Also feels like you jumped right on that victim card on a post responding to someone else. All while claiming you’re better than this addon. Almost too much to unpack there. Yikes.

Your statement is logically inconsistent through and through, but its also obvious you don’t care and feel anything made for this game should be free. Nevermind how that stacks up to reality, right?

Well you edited your way into understanding my post somewhat, but you still are saying the most commonly wrong thing in this thread. The point of rxp is not the guides already written, but to provide the ability to write the guides. End of story.

People can and obviously will argue against this point indefinitely, it just won’t change the truth.

Start going down the rabbit hole of kargoz and aggrend and all the stuff exposed about rested xp and hardcore community over a year ago. These conversations have already happened hundreds of times, with some real weird behind the scenes activities.

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Which is why all addons that incorporate any monetization are bad and are against ToS. How long before it’s a DBM or Bigwigs where you have to pay for each boss mod because some smoothie argues “well ackshually, you could write your own timers!”.

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They may be bad, but in this situation you really can just stop saying its against tos. Its not.

How long? Never. Timers are part of the addons you selected as an example. Not sure what you thought you were proving.

Weakaura timers are sold all the time though, since they don’t come with the addon.

Except it is against ToS. It’s been quoted repeatedly.

All it would take for DBM to be totally fine to charge money as you see fit would be for it to be an addon that allows you to load in boss timers and then sell the timers as a separate pack. Are you able to see more than one step ahead yet?

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Quote the tos that says i can’t sell my config data. I’ll wait.

Perfectly capable, but you keep acting like this doesnt already exist. Which it does, with weakauras and a bunch of other addons and has for years and years…

So how far away is this supposedly guaranteed next step?

honestly the worst part to me is that kids these days apparently need to be hand held when going through this game :expressionless: as if it’s really so daunting, overwhelming, and complicated to just start questing at level 1.

They get around it with a loophole. They aren’t selling the addon. The addon is completely free. What they sell is the guides that go into the addon.

Nah. Selling game guides isn’t against the TOS and companies were selling physical leveling guides when the game launched in 2004.

The only thing different about RestedXP and Zygor’s is the guide is digital and not physical.

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RXP guides are not config data.

  1. Add-ons must be free of charge.
    All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create “premium” versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.

Idk why you’re going back to config data. We’ve covered that already. Here’s the relevant passage…again. Hopefully 5th times the charm.



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/shrug whatever bro.

Because that’s the answer no matter how you feel about it.

Yeah, you keep posting that. But it does not apply to the rxp guides, you just want to keep beating that drum. Thanks for proving my point for me!

Rxp guides are quite literally config data. No way around it.

Still waiting on you to explain when the shoe is going to drop and all addons go p2p

that is still against the ToS, please read the thread :expressionless: