Hey what’s up, I’ve been really burnt on WoW lately and I want to share the feedback of why, in bulletpoint format.
- WAY too many promotions. I’m a pet collector, a fairly competitive one, and having SO MANY promotions lately has really made me stop caring. It just feels gross and overwhelming. The charity event excluded from this criticism, it’s just way too much FOMO and collaboration. It’s exhausted me and I’ve stopped caring.
- Mythic-Raiding is exhausting and cringe. Our guild is on Brood, it’s a very weakaura-heavy fight to coordinate properly and just extremely punishing for all the wrong reasons. I want it to be hard, and I want it to be a wall, but not because our weakauras messed up assignments, kick assignments, or that lag prevented a kick from going out. The frames on that fight are awful and it just compounds with other stuff. Also Hunter’s mark is tiny on the boss and that’s weird.
- The actual content is okay. I really don’t want this feedback to be interpreted as we need to keep me busy with a ton of stuff in game, I love downtime, I’m excited for the next patch and upcoming content. It’s okay to take breaks. I think BFA/Shadowlands had just wayyy too many chores, and we don’t have those now - so I’m playing less! I think the main issue now because of this philosophy change is that when I do interface with WoW, in mythic raiding or in collecting, it’s some of the most frustrating sides of the game (our raiding wall, and the sheer amount of MTX to manage).
- The Game needs another Meta. We really need to focus more on developing content for non-raiding/non-dungeoning players. Making simple, fun content that we can do that is merely just there for fun would be nice. I’d love to get to the point where I don’t say “I gotta’ log on to do XYZ”, but rather “I want to log on to have fun” - because some days it still feels unfun and like a chore keeping up with all of the meta-progression systems (Glad, CE, etc.). Can I just pop in and do some jump puzzles, or learn a new dance emote from a strange talking creature? Just weird MMO stuff, we need more of the world being the main character than all of this content made for players. It’s a balance that isn’t met currently (for me!).
Hope this feedback helps, I know corporate and financial influences can trump game design but I hope those “powers that be” can get the message that a quick $30 gain, or a deadline being pushed can effect sub numbers and player retention which in a longitudinal sense loses them money - it’s just harder to display that quantitatively, but I’m telling ya’ qualitatively it’s real.