Why I Quit BfA and Why I Re-Subbed

I quit BfA because it became far to overwhelming with me feeling as though I was drowning in all the demands for the tones of Achievement requirements. I know for some achieving something that other have not makes them feel special and perhaps better than the rest of the players. I fully understand that there are some humans who are driven by competition and achieving in life something that others have not. The game developers have to realize that not everyone thinks and feels like that. There are actually a few of us who just enjoy the journey of life and playing games without being buried by the pressure of achieve, achieve, achieve, achieve. A game is supposed to be fun and not stressful and should never feel like it is a job with specific daily task/chores that most be done in order to get paid. BfA felt like a job I hated because there are all the commands of you must go here, you must do this, you can’t have this if you don’t do that being infused into game play. So rather than complain or post on the forum to be chastised by rude the Player PoPo I did what they would have suggested. I quit and cancelled my subs. (3 Accounts).

I re-subbed because I found myself watching streamers and YouTubers playing WoW and missing the joy of playing. After the announcement of the launch date of Classic I decided it was time to return. I reinstated my two main accounts as I am a committed and die-hard dual-boxer ( and not I don’t use apps and cheats to play both characters at the same time. I use skills developed over the past 12 years.) who loves playing two characters at the same time. My favorite is Mage/Hunter. Back to the point. I returned and still refuse to play my two mains I’ve played for the past nearly 12 years, but created two new characters who’s races will be in Classic in order to experiment with various ways of hopefully making gold for mounts in Classic. Also I reinstated my subscriptions hoping that I would be fortunate enough to get into Beta. As I am not a streamer Beta was not offered to me.

Here is the meat in the “nut shell” - I quit because I was stopped having fun the moment I hit level 120 and it began to feel like clocking into a job with so many demands that I began to dread the though of logging. I returned because of the possibilities of future fun playing Classic.

As stated above I made a dual-boxing pair and leveled them to 60 without using any heirlooms, gifts of gold, bags or anything else from my alts. I tried to play them as close to the vanilla WoW experience as I could. Once they reached level 60 I turned off the gaining experience and played them for about a week without leveling. I tuned it back on and now they have reached level 77. Sadly the dread of reaching beyond TBC game play is slowly and most certainly loosing it flavor.

For years I’ve heard the expression “The WoW Killer” in connection to other MMORPG that some predicted would be the one to kill World of Warcraft. None every managed to do that. Well no other game killed my love of WoW. Not that was done by the current team of developers and designers at Blizzard who created the content of the cancerous BfA content.

lmao crickets for 4 years.