So I was one of the top carries for the Daveedium Community. Those of you who don’t know who he is. He is a streamer who focuses on helping pugs get their AOTCs every tier. I found his community at the beginning of Shadowlands when I returned to the game from a couple year break. I fell in love with his mission and love the fact that I could help thousands of people each season achieve their goals.
I quickly became a VIP in his community and one of his top three as well. One of the key advantages was that I had multiple max level toons that I could play at the highest level to help carry almost any group. In season 2, I helped him on Sylvanas over 100 different groups and over 50 groups for jailer. I also help him gear up so many alts following him gear every single time he would get banned for advertising even though he really wasn’t advertising. I also promoted his community on so many different platforms to help grow it substantially in season 2 and 3 of Shadowlands.
I also donated over $1,000 to him in his stream and provided six boost to his discord to help maintain tier three status. Now that’s not a big deal. I’m 32, married, work in the tech industry with a very good career and my partners also gamer who has a lot of subscriptions with different streamers as well.
One thing I really liked about him is he’s one of the best shot callers I’ve ever worked with and I’ve been in many top 50 and 100 guilds in my 18 years of progression through most of the content. However, as I’ve gotten older I’ve not been able to commit to a raid schedule so I haven’t at the cutting edge of progression in quite awhile.
That changed in season 3 of Shadowlands when I helped a guild he was helping trying to get cutting edge but they just didn’t have it in them to progress past the first few bosses. But while I was there I was performing in the top two in almost never failed a mechanic more than the first time. I pride myself in learning bosses and maybe two or three pulls and then focus on maximizing my throughput or damage or survivability or whatever is needed to succeed.
He decided to join guild that I was helping out that he wanted to take a serious run at cutting edge in dragon flight. So when he posted in his discord if anybody was interested in joining I commented I was. He asked again a few days later and I also responded with I was interested and then I even directly messaged him. It wasn’t until he was streaming that I asked which character you wanted me to bring and he told me I could apply to the guild for consideration if I transferred first.
That was by far one of the most disrespectful things I’ve ever encountered in this game in 18 years. Because not only am I one of the best players that he consistently plays with, I would drop so many things just to help his runs anytime he would need help. And mind you not only do I have a job and a family to take care of. I also sit on the board of several nonprofits and I would spend almost all my free time helping him.
I understand that he wanted everyone to be in the guild to get credit for kills and I would definitely consider server transferring. But literally I was his top contributor to his twitch, one of his mods, one of his discord class leaders, top two highest attendance of any person in his community of all his runs and one of his top three performing community members, to be told to transfer then I could apply was the straw that broke the camel’s back.
Now I chalk it up to the fact that he has quite young and he’s only playing this game for a few years. My hope is while he never reached out to me after I left his community that he learns from it and does better. Because the work he does for the community is fantastic and he helps so many people. But if he continues to treat people this way, he’s going to end up losing the following. He’s getting over the years.