Why I left FF14 for WoW

Can we stop the FFXi…oh, wait, this is you coming HERE.

Nevermind, I’ll allow this one.

This is also a + for me (pun intended). Running the same 8 dungeons for what’s going to be a year before 9.2 comes out lul. I rather run the 40+ dungeons FFXIV offers with only 1-2 abilities than run the same 8 OVER AND OVER AND OVER. AND I HATE FFXIV!

Much content, such WoW.


but there’s a difference. Classic crowd players are openly toxic so it’s a no brainer.

FF fanbase has a more passive aggressive variant that shows up the second you mention criticism

Openly toxic people I tolerate as I can ignore them, it’s the passive aggressive folks I hate

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Some of you have valId complaints while others complain and whine in such a pathetic manner. My favorite latest one was ‘I have to put stuff in my bags’ LOL

GD is so unproductive at times

And they don’t let you kill yourself because if you die in FFXIV outside of an instance, you get sent back to your home Aetheryte, which for most people is one of the cities.

I think it’s also partly so you have more time to fit OGCD abilities into each GCD.

Or and follow me on this one, FFXIV is designed in a way to encourage you to take breaks when you’re done with all the content you want to do in, and people can enjoy playing more than one game.

No, but only having 400 total slots for all your armor feels really limiting.

Agreed. M+ feels like they tried to shoehorn a Diablo style difficulty into WoW.

FFXIV does have timers, but it’s not a “how fast can you go” timer. It’s a “You have an hour and a half to complete this dungeon that should only take 15 - 30 minutes.”

Spoken like someone who’s never done a FFXIV raid boss. I mean people complain about all the FFXIV bosses being in a “square or round room” and yet fail to look around when doing WoW bosses because pretty much every wow boss is in a square or round room.

Some of it is sure, but a lot of it is from people that played FFXIV for 5 minutes, said the entire game is like this and then started spreading misinformation.

For the record FFXIV has many and varied flaws. Anyone who calls it a perfect game is a troll at best. And this is as someone who literally has every job at level 80 including crafters and has done the MSQ to completion, and while I don’t do the savage and ultimate content I haven’t completed enough of the content to know the basic flow of it.

I mean, most of what the OP listed as a flaw is either wrong or an opinion. And he’s welcome to his opinion, but opinions aren’t necessarily flaws.


I wouldn’t call 8 years (11 if you count 1.0) “new”

you have definitely never tried Savage raiding before

hell, even normal raids (basically FF14’s LFR) from Stormblood onward are easily on par with at least some of the easier Heroic fights in WoW


This was one of things that truly annoyed me on my only attempt to play the game. It felt like I was constantly in boxes, just moving from box to box. It was even worse than having the zones separated as they are in Shadowlands. At least it’s absolutely clear how you get from A to B in WoW.

I didn’t find it that way. In my two weeks of playing I was unable to connect with anyone else. I’d ask questions, no one would answer. No one helped. And the mentor system - the one time I tried, the person did nothing, absolutely nothing to help me in any way.

I came back to WoW and, for all its flaws, it was like a breath of fresh air.

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this, unfortunately, is a big flaw in FF14 - it’s way WAY too easy to qualify for mentorship, to the point that there are more…let’s call them “backseat raiders” than people actually willing to help new players. nowadays it’s more frequent to see a mentor grown and expect the person wearing it to actually have no idea what they’re doing with the game

unless they’re wearing the crafting mentor crown, now those guys are the ones you need to ask questions

“new” for the people playing it

FF14 raids… Extreme and Savage mode are way harder then WoW raids. Plus esport ruin WoW.


Everything you’ve said I disagree with (other than the blatant misrepresentations which in that case… lol nice try).

But that’s what makes having opinions great.

Why did you need to make a thread about it though? What purpose does this thread serve here on the WoW forums. If you dislike FFXIV, why make your complaints on the WoW forum?

Unless your motivation for this thread was… something else entirely…

Don’t threaten me with a good time.


I mean someone’s gotta cheer for WoW I’spose.

Another post shortly to be moved the Off Topic forum.

Although since it is about WoW maybe it won’t.

What a sad state WoW is in then. I miss it when it was for me.

it’s already 6 pm pst, I give this til tomorrow morning before it gets moved.

The guy literally has multiple made up lies in his post, why wouldn’t they come correct?. Wow glizzy gobbler.

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Been knew it’s a bad game and never will be a good one. I think the only people who preach that its a good game are former WoW players who feel that “new game” sense still but haven’t played long enough to realize it truly is as awful as I’ve heard. It will never truly be as good as WoW.

Not saying this is astroturfing, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz is putting out lots of posts like this to stop the bleeding.

since most of them add nothing knew and just echo each other? yeah?