Why I just canceled my sub

can i have your stuff

I would posit there is another possible stroke of luck that you omitted—just get grouped with one of the 2-3 frequent forum posters who always que solo (maybe sometimes with 1 or 2 others) and have reportedly never lost against a premade because “premades are only as good as the players that make them” and those premades that these demigods have faced (who presumably intentionally queued with the express intent of maximizing their odds of winning) just “don’t understand the mechanics.”

Nobody cares. These post are stupid, im not saying you are stupid, these post are stupid.

Just leave.

You’re not an airport. You don’t need to announce your departure.

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I think you’re in the minority here. Most people don’t want to feel like they have to spend the time to form a raid group just to do some bgs. It is LITERALLY the only activity in the classic game that lets you que solo and get automatically grouped with random players.

It was also never this way in classic as much as some apparently want that to be the case. You would occasionally run into stacked teams but that was 10% of the time or less, rare enough that you knew and recognized those player’s names.

I would bet a large sum of money that the majority of the arguments against a separate que on the forums are posted by those who don’t want their source of easy rep to dry up.


forming a pre-made and fighting with them consistently isn’t as easy as you say. if it was, you’d just do it and stop complaining lol. so if they have an “easy source of rep”, well, they earned it :expressionless:


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This is probably the biggest pain point in the game right now, so you’re off base.

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Pain point? The pain point is reading how everyone knows what to do but for whatever reason they refuse to do it… They want an easy button and more or less want to increase the Que time by at least 50%

So just make a premade to win WSG, get lucky or quit.

Make friends :clown_face:

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You literally made my point for me.

Forming a raid group to go to wsg can indeed be tedious, especially when you feel like you have to be somewhat exclusive with comps and gear to maximize success. This WHY the majority of people would rather queue some low key bgs, form a strategy with whatever comp you get, and go play.

It’s not at all how classic bgs were. You didn’t have raid geared level capped groups farming rep for BiS items. When something analogous started happening in classic (the twink problem) blizzard addressed it with the very solution people here are asking for. Without that solution, an entire designed game mechanic (the ability to queue solo or with a small group of friends and group with other players doing the same) becomes so unfun that people stop doing it. People here want classic bgs, not retail rated battlegrounds.

So pick a lane: is it “easy to make your own premade,” or is it “hard and they should get to farm low key players for rep?”

Been playing wow since retail BC. Really glad I’ve never been into BG’s.

Godspeed young rogue.

You will be missed.

This is a shame. BGs can be quite fun. Actually I think playing “premades” with random players is the least fun I’ve ever had in them though. If you put together a guild run it can be a great time because it’s players you know and there’s fewer dumb vanillaisms happening (like random people you don’t know inspecting your gear and asking about specific choices even though they’ve never played your class before or whatever lol).

Honestly if I could go back in time to 2004 and ask Blizzard for one thing it would be guild vs. guild battlegrounds. That would be a really good time.

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PvP in retail is horrible. I’m enjoying sod PvP but have not gotten to ashenvale or lvl25 WSG yet :s

I don’t ever remember encountering a premade in WSG back in 2005-2007. No one did that.

but you’re soo cringe? and your arguments are irrational and don’t even make any sense? you invite ridicule, maybe touch some grass and seek professional help for your mmo addiction which is clearly causing some sort of mental crisis.

Curious… you canceled your subscription 5 days ago, yet you are still actively posting on the forums. Having a hard time letting go?

I like posting on holiday… Its better posting than playing WSG lol