Why I just canceled my sub

So I canceled my sub because of the broken game design of pitting Pub players vs premades in WSG. This is such terrible design and it needs to be changed. The dev team for SoD is obviously way too small for the popularity of the game. They are unresponsive and now focused on Phase 2. I wish they added more devs to the team but with Blizz focused on the Trilogy of retail devs are hard to find.

Good luck and I just wish the end game had better pvp polish.


Bye Felicia.


There are so many other games you could play instead if you actually want good pvp


quitting because pvp isn’t balanced at lvl 25… probably not cut out for the long haul anyway


I think many people want the old PvP before there were as many twinks and before premades existed.

Its not a very realistic goal to have, sadly. It is doable, but it would take a lot of effort for Blizzard to pour into battlegrounds that many people already dislike (Or play solely for gear, rep, and titles which means the barest of player vs player interaction if possible).

I do miss the old PvP of Vanilla, but its near impossible to encapsulate that feeling anymore.


No one should be against allowing players to have regular BGs against other random teams. The true spirit of the format of BGs. Premades are for organized competitive play that is why Rated BGs came about. They have no place in regular BGs. Keep these 2 formats separate so players can enjoy the game.

Solo Que and Team Play for BGs needs to happen.


No… its more about pvping as a pug vs a premade. This is bad design


This is probably the #1 complaint from most SoD players.

WSG isn’t playable unless one of two things happens:

-You get lucky and your PuG has Priests.

-You play in a Premade with Priests.

Neither of those? Best of luck to ya.


Premades have always existed.

That’s how it was in classic though…

Premades are only a problem now because players don’t really have anything else to do outside of raiding. Most people that care have already reached Revered through Ashenvale and are using premades to quickly get get to exalted before the next phase. Premades have always existed, the size was reduced later in the game but that didn’t stop people from finding ways around it. Even after RBGs were added people still ran premades in BGs for achievements and such.

exactly what one would expect from classic, if you didn’t foresee it going in i don’t know where you been

Not in the manner they’re implemented now. Vanilla premades weren’t just about the goal. They were about having fun even in them.

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4 wsg matches today.

4 premades.

If sod “fixes” vanilla, for the love of god: fix this.


I do agree that there should be a solo/duo queue, and then a premade queue.


Ranked elo system might help.
The problem with classic is that back in the old days there was like 1% giga Chad sweat lords min maxing and 99% people playing a 3d chat game.
Now those stats are reversed.


Pretty true. Most people in SoD playing PvP are no longer interested in just chatting with friends.


Yeah there’s really no reason this shouldn’t be the absolute number one thing Blizzard is putting resources into right now. It should be an insanely easy fix too. It should take 10 minutes to pit premades against premades and solo pugs against solo pugs.

They already figured out how to pit twinks against twinks long ago in the classic framework. This shouldn’t be difficult.


What’s your problem with players who like to have a few pints while playing?


You win :smiley: