Why I have my doubts

People always do this anytime something new comes out. They rave about how it is the greatest thing ever for a few months, then get bored and start complaining about it. Or some new shiny thing comes out to replace the old shiny thing, and that new shiny thing becomes the greatest thing since sliced bread, and people complain about the old shiny thing not being shiny anymore.

How people feel about Classic in the Beta is pretty irrelevant. It’s how people feel about it six months after launch that matters.

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Classic isn’t all about raiding though. Some of us just love to mess about in it. Wandering aimlessly and stumbling upon things. Meeting new people, levelling every class, pvping, dancing on mailboxes.

I will never get bored of those things. Many other on pservers are the same. Many people dislike retail because it is end game raiding focused. Classic offers alternatives.

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I think the players who even make it that far into nax are the niche audience.

I’d rather level every single class race and sex to 60 before I picked up retail again

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People do love trying to get their Warlord title or whatever pvp stuff there is.

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What to 60?

5 years is a pretty damn good run, especially for something that probably cost Blizzard a fraction of what a new expansion costs, and still brings in $15/month.

We don’t know what the numbers will look like. They could even rival or exceed retail. Or not, but still be a very profitable niche.

You know Disney used to re-release their animated films every 7 years. Some were made in 1930’s. But new generations are born who’ve never seen them. Same thing could happen with Classic. There are a TON of gamers age 14-30 who have never experienced Classic, or a game like it, because there IS nothing out there quite like it. A signicant number of those people will try playing Classic and get hooked, and boom, there’s your new players.

How about $15/month from everyone who plays Classic during those 5 years? Again we don’t know what the numbers will be, but I think it will be nothing to sneeze at, and very profitable for a retread game, in which they didn’t even have to develop anything new.

Who cares if they eventually get bored? I don’t think anyone is planning to play Classic for the rest of their life. Most are probably hoping for 2-3 fun years, and if they get that, it will be a success.

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Har har har u so funny

I think everyone literally agrees with OP. After 5 years, the same content in the same game will get really old. That is why Blizzard releases an expac every 2 years.

Classic isn’t even out yet and you’re worried about 5 years from Classic Launch?

That would be like worrying about BFA 5 years from launch. Its irrelevant to the Classic discussion.

Classic from where we will play is a good game for 2 years at most and maybe 3 for the diehard fans. After that, Blizzard will have learned their lesson and made the current WoW better.

I mean I thought you might like that. :slight_smile: I’m nothing if not looking to brighten somebody’s day.

I think a character copy would be awesome, like they do with the ptr.

My guess is:

Those who want to stay in the vanilla world, they can.

But they will bring out BC servers, and from there you can transfer your Classic character to it. It’s a choice that you have.

I’m sure they’ll make it up to Wrath, as that was the last good expansion with high population

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Classic is #NoChanges. #NoChanges is the definition of Classic. It is literally what makes it Classic. To change Classic would mean it would no longer be Classic.

The community is #NoChanges. Blizzard is #NoChanges. Classic is #NoChanges.

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No sir, its the audience thats tired of how trash wow has become.

Classic pop is going to shock a lot of people including the devs in activblizz

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Activision Blizzard has yet to meet a dollar, pound, or euro that they do not like. Though I do not know what their plan is, I am 100% positive that Blizzard is completely prepared to take advantage of the trending interest in legacy servers and games to use it as a means of either growing their paying sub base or at least retaining it.
I could spitball and say TBC legacy, then Wrath legacy, but it would just be a guess. Heck, they could even space these things out in similar phases and make it so people had to go through them consecutively to stretch it out a bit longer but all told, they could milk this cow for years.

  1. I don’t anyone who plays WOW thinks “classic” isn’t an amazing game. If you are like me, and played WOW at launch, then you know it was amazing then.
  2. WOW was definitely rewarding back then.
  3. No, that in itself will not ensure a healthy player base.

But for a player base that has moved on… it will be very hard to accept the game as it was in 2006ish… really hard. Sure, there will be lots of people who want to relive the past… unfortunately, they won’t be able to… because they have grown as humans and as gamers… their experiences will change how they view certain aspects of vanilla wow reimagined as “classic” and it won’t be pretty.

After reaching max, you will, just like everyone who reached max during vanilla, level the max number of characters on a server all the way to max… then when you have one of every class at max, you’ll look for things to do… and you will do them… until they no longer hold your interest.

Then you’ll start playing retail more often because you miss the conveniences and new quests… that’s just the nature of any gamer.

I think it is a safe bet that less than 100k are still playing “classic” by the end of the 2nd year…

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OP, its because we have die hard fans that will play it no matter what.
We are not the ones that complain that there is nothing to do. There is always something to do. It will be glad to have a MMO that
you have to be social with. The others can go play BFA.

Again, I don’t disagree with this point, but I am sorry, the amount of players like you are few and far between.

Now I am not saying to add quality of life changes, I am just saying new content needs to be added if you guys even want a sliver of a chance of maintaining a large player base.

3 possible directions:

  1. fresh server
  2. separate tbc
  3. separate classic+

pick one and we’ll discuss it

These do work, but at the same time you would just be alienating the playerbase even further.

well since you dont want to select one, i will hehe
in separate tbc scenario, there’s a global chat that connects classic vanilla to classic tbc with the same server name. so you can advertise for more for a dungeon or raid, across both games.

there would be a classic vanilla you and a classic tbc you. this version requires either copying the entire character database over to tbc, or at the very least, your outlands ready character. the downside of just your outlands ready char is nobody will make new chars on outlands unless they wanna roll a belf or draenei and those two groups would be the only people levelling in lower levels. so better to just copy whole character database over