Why I have my doubts

Care to share those statistics?

Except private servers are not even close to #NoChanges. I am not a proponent of new content, but I don’t agree with you that #NoChanges exists for a good reason.

It exists for nostalgia. That’s it. And you’ve already got changes in Classic. So that pops that bubble too.

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I really think all the diehard classic folks are just ignoring this completely. They seem to think that they will be able to get all the best parts of classic at launch, and slowly, blizzard will release the expansions… they will not… and the player base will LOSE THEIR MINDS.

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Does it need to grow, if there is profit for years ahead in its slow death? Nothing lasts forever, not even nostalgia.

Surely you can’t be serious? If everyone quits the classic server in 5 years what is the point in even having it up? For the 200 players left?

Edit: and even in that case, why bother even doing this in the first place if there is no profit? Blizzard is a company.

200? You have no idea what you’re dealing with. This industry doesn’t make games for my kind anymore, and there’s quite a few of us out in the brush.

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Obviously 200 is an understatement, but get real dude.

Sure. Nostalrius had 800K accounts when it was shut down. This was the most famous private server. There are dozens more. So if you combine all that together then 1 million is really an understatement.

And if you need further proof of the excitement and eagerness people have, go look at how crazy the twitch.tv numbers are for Classic Wow streamers right now.


You do realize that there are 6 content patches right? Yes. Obviously doing classic for literally 4 years straight, after Naxx drops, would be boring. That is why there will be BC and Wrath legacy servers. Blizzard speculated on that already.

Naxx doesn’t exist on launch in Classic. That is a fact. Molten Core will be the highest tier in Classic launch. We have content releases to look forward to.

Also I don’t get the hate about classic. Just leave the classic playerbase alone man.

If you don’t care about classic, then please… stop caring.


There are enough people in the Vanilla community to maintain a healthy playerbase. Just look at all the pservers. Even if we only have a handful of servers, that will be a success if it delivers vanilla.

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That will eventually be true, it only makes sense.

The thing is they already talked about how if classic does well, which I can’t imagine it won’t they will do BC and WOTLK.

Jmagine they then that classic server into a BC server, them a year later into a WOTLK server.

I doubt blizzard won’t monopolize on how amazing BC and WOTLK were especially since they already talked about doing it if classic was a successful.


Real about what? Is there a problem with things dwindling down to a handful of servers within 5 years, if Blizzard makes a healthy profit from the endeavor?

They’ve got a skeleton crew on this one. It could nearly be a flop and they’d still make money. I’m tempted to say they may have recouped their losses from gambling nincompoops alone, but I wouldn’t rightly know.

I did. You want to change Classic and keep updating it. And my response is we have 3 months before the game is even out, and there’s no telling whether it will end up with 10 people playing or 10 million. These constant threads talking about what to do in 2 years, when we don’t know if it’ll even be popular is 6 months, are ridiculous.


Check out the nost post mortem

I have my doubts about your doubts.

Have you seen the reactions of gamers who were saying they thought Classic would be a dud and that they didn’t understand why anyone would want it? The naysayers have been loving it and I imagine many new players will feel the same way. Classic is an amazing game that is extremely rewarding and that in itself will ensure we have a maintainable healthy player base

It does not exist for nostalgia reasons. That is the same bologna argument everyone gave about us wanting Classic and look at how all of the modern gamers feel about the game right now. You’re being naive in my opinion

That’s fine man, I hope you are right too, cause I want classic wow to succeed, but honestly I just don’t see the long-term potential a 15 year old game with no updates. People will get bored eventually, whether you like it or not.

Frankly I think it’s people just being salty for the sake of it. Maybe they are mad they aren’t in the beta, or maybe they hate the state of retail and are trying to find reasons to why Classic sucks or whatever.

End of the day it’s just salt and they’ll play Classic and love it anyway.


For starters, I am not salty. I am just concerned about where the game is going to be years down the road. I am all for classic wow, and I am happy they are introducing it.