Why I am quitting WoW over MoP Remix

The frog farmer complaints are irrelevant at this point. If you’ve been playing the game consistently and doing your dailies / daily raids, you gear is caught up to a legacy “frogger”. I get called a frogger daily despite getting my 40k bronze bonus and not killing frogs… I earned all the gear and finished maxxing out the ilvl yesterday. Just play the game and enjoy it. I don’t understand the complaints about getting free carries / speed runs. We all (generally) have the same goal in mind: MOAR BRONZE!

Some people enjoy progression raiding, not being carried through raids by exploiters.

That’s what retail is for and/or make your own group with that in mind. This like going to the movie theater and getting mad that there are other people there that might laugh at the film or make noises. Stay home if you don’t like it.

Lmfao thats pretty much exactly what I am doing in this instance, just being outspoken about it.

I really do not care how many frog farmers rage on this post tbh.

And as time goes by it’s getting even worse.

Trying to tag a rare on Timeless Isle is very difficult. Even with an insta-cast spell like Arcane Explosion or Frost Nova the mobs are dead before they even go off.

I really wish Blizz would have taken more than just a weekend to test this all out. They announced it with plenty of time for if not PTR then at the very least some internal testing.

I hope that they do something similar like this in the future (the remix, not the mess it has turned into), possibly Legion :crossed_fingers:, but I really do hope that they learn from their mistakes and listen to their players (their paying customers) on ways to improve upon and quash the negative aspects that have been unleashed.

can i have ur stuff

It’s important to note that we should not blame the frog farmers. Blizz had to change the loot tables for every single mob in Pandaria for MOP Remix, and so they knew exactly what they were doing with the frogs. My guess is that they wanted some players to actually get ridiculously OP in the first few days, and make viral videos to provide free advertisement for Remix. Blizz is 100% responsible for the frog farm, and put it in the game intentionally. The way they handled it from that point is just another example of how Blizz makes their games incredibly difficult to recommend to friends, and why WoW has shrunk since WoTLK.

Sources? 14 has always had a tiered system and I haven’t seen anything new about that. Number two the price increase is only relevant to the US as far as I know by adding onn state taxes. Finally just like here the people complaining are definitely a small vocal minority just like here. Personally it would be better for the chronic complainers to quit both games. It’s really doesn’t seem to be healthy behavior to keep playing and paying for a game that someone doesn’t seem to enjoy.

Good thing we’re approaching the end of week 3 then.

I swear, people will be claiming this argument on the last day of this event.

I don’t understand the hate for frog farmers. Frog farmers did nothing wrong, they did a farm everyone knew was going to be time effective. You should be mad at Blizzard for leaving it in the game juuuust long enough for people who fixated on it to milk it, and then pulling the ladder up after leaving the rest of us to scrounge for 10kish bronze a day.

People have it in there head that everything should be finished in a week, the concept that there may be people who want something to work on for those three months is a completely foreign thought to them.

At this point with so many other ways to get hugely powerful blaming it on frog farming is not accurate. I do LFR wings every day (and other LFG content that awards an epic spool) and I’m more powerful than a frog farmer was 3 days in.

It was really that good. Throwing your party members as weapons is hype

Outside of people claiming it SHOULDN’T be possible within a week, I haven’t seen anybody claim anything about this event in one week. Smells more like hyperbole by people who just want to gaslight those that don’t want to spend the entire 3 months before they can BEGIN to grind for the items they want…

You’re right wording it like that does come off poorly. However I do feel a lot of the complaints here do stem from an expectation to get 100% fast and then get out. I feel like blizzard has a delicate balancing act to handle. Make the mode work for people who want to spend more time in this mode, and still be appealing to those that want to get in and get out.

The exclusive stuff is cheap enough to get that someone won’t have to put a ton of time into this mode. However I think and I could be entirely wrong, that the armor upgrades were originally intended for people who want to spend their time playing remix. I don’t think its a great incentive and it feels lazy on the devs part; but that’s what i think it is. Something to try and keep the ones that want to play this mode from coming and complaining they’ve got nothing to do.

So maybe I’ll ask this. How much time do you think is reasonable to be spent in this mode to obtain all rewards and should there be rewards for the individuals who are more dedicated to the mode?

I’d argue a month-ish for the casual player to obtain the stuff they’d want (which would include heirlooms/tusks) would be reasonable.

As is, it’s probably 2m-ish for that.

That’s fair. I would think with the current bronze rewards that would be realistic.

It’s about 2m now, figuring decent gear to clear SOO, then approximately 40 clears of SOO on normal to get the rewards.

If the bones dropped on LFR or if more dropped on normal or if gearing was more reasonable, then it’d be closer to a month for a casual player.

I still do my best to avoid games/classes/races that are overhyped for whatever reason.

I personally love the remix. Didnt farm frogs, put a lot of time in playing and at max level purple gear with almost all achieves done already. My stats are insane and i can solo normal dungeons and elites one shot kills. I see other doing higher dps and it makes my eyebrows raise up as i literally put many hours into game as a warlock. I hope they do this for another area as well. Finally collecting mounts since coins are flowing like water flying, fishing, raiding etc. They are everywhere and at 973% experience increase must count for something.