Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Except when someone is trying to make the point that the blood elves rebelled from their race and thus ceded all of the history and heritage to the small group that still goes by High Elf.

It gets tough in these arguments when it gets into a blend of perspective of us as players mixed with RP based arguments.


Sorry Firewomen, but isn’t this the same towards the Anti’s as well. Both sides seem to more of speak on what they want.


Right. I just ignored most of that persons post because… well, it’s fan-fiction. :man_shrugging:

Just speaking to the expression “true High Elves” in general.

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I feel then like something like proxy wars can’t even exist on your mind then. You are just saying you can’t see any political nuance and have no consideration for repercussions.

These are words put together on a sentence, yet they make little sense. “Her neutrality is her being the go between” As if Alleria and Sylvanas even were an Alliance/Horde dichotomy on the first place with the later literally admitting she was just using the horde and flying away…

And yet the LATEST we have seen Vereesa have lines (Three Sisters) she literally says that she believes blood elves can be redeemed and that they should return to the alliance…

“I lost a husband and a king to the treachery of the horde” ? She says that ALSO during Legion.


I generally only pull that out for people who make that kind of argument, or like the “We want the Pure/good/uncorrupted/same thing you have but BETTER” statements. I think I’ve been pretty solid on the whole issue as they’re all practically the same culture still, just fighting over which path to take forward.

But 90% of the remaining High Elves left after Arthas, and his scourge, tried to genocide them, did indeed call themselves Blood Elves. So to say A High Elf wouldn’t call themselves Blood Elves is wrong.


The fact is, there are High Elves that choose not to go back with the Sin’dorei and Remain with the Alliance,

The fact is, there are High Elves that choose not to to join Horde,


And this just ignores that there are two groups that can be called High Elves.

A) The ones that have broken off with the rest of their culture

B) The generic term for the race as a whole that covers all the elves that made up the nation of Quel’thelas.

So yeah, your statement is true for group A, absolutely wrong with group B.


“The blood elves no longer consider themselves high elves, and they have different priorities and behaviors than their high elf kindred.”

Yeah, lets ignore the fact that Blood Elves no longer consider themselves High Elves.

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I’m talking about the 10% that did not go. The ones that don’t approve of joining the horde. I don’t even want playable high elves, but still think arguements against playable high elves refute nothing and are super annoying.

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Let’s just ignore the rest of the post that if you expand the quote from my post makes your post look really silly.

Edit: POST! because I didn’t use it enough in this post talking about other posts.

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Also the fact is the High Elves that dont join Sin’dorei do it for several reasons,

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This entire OP is extremely well-written. It’s only too bad that the HE fans won’t read it, and don’t care.

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Proxy wars ultimately have support still coming from the larger nation. The SC was completely uninvolved in BFA and the 4th war. I could understand if they provided support in some fashion, but they did not do such a thing at all. You keep trying to force a point that has little to support it outside of whatifs.

I can switch to Spanish if you like.

Yes…because her stopping a fight between Alleria and Sylvanas is not her being the middle person and trying to bridge things.

Which affects her being neutral in what way? One can think one side is better for the other, but not get involved and assist either side. You can favor one, but choose not to be involved.
Khadgar certainly favors the alliance in many ways, he still declared neutrality.

You mean the lines that she used during MoP , prior to her placing all of the blame on Garrosh and wishing his death and also wishing to join her sister Sylvanas as part of the Underdark?
You mean the lines which are limited in number to every NPC and don’t get updated until the next expansion?
You mean the lines which are limited in number for whenever you click on her?
Sylvanas didn’t betray the Horde, she still says “Serve the Horde. Serve me.” as her line when you click on her repeatedly.

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Too bad the Anti’s don’t understand all that in the OP is just based on ones opinions.

EDIT: Oh wait, because it is just copy-paste.


Murg taught me a good lesson other day about opinion and perspective, and how people interpret the argument, Thanks Murgs I know you watching there somewhere. :grinning:

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But can we agree that arguing about the semantics feels pedantic? The “modern” High Elves, the remnant that split, hasn’t got a new name. The majority did and now go by Blood Elves.

The High Elves of the now are not the same group than the HE of 20 years ago, this is understood, so really, the constant semantic “akshually” comes across as pedantic and obfuscating.

Its only in name. Play the heritage quest and nightborne recruitement quest.

Murg is always watching. Waiting. His Gifs ready to fire when they’re needed.

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