Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

i dunno. culturally, alliance societies appear to have progressed in the sciences, differently than horde societies. this results in differences in traditions, attire, foods, water quality, architecture, levels of pollution related to things like metallurgy and so on. that’s gonna impact quite a bit more on high elves than superficially,

i mean, for goodness sakes, the alliance has access to a spaceship.

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Daily reminder that the single largest industrial centre to ever appear in WoW was the creation of a Horde faction. Blackrock Foundry.

They even had a full rail network.


When did AU Blackhand join the Horde?

See I wasn’t aware that with all those workers, engineers, shipwrights and assembly lines that Blackhand was personally doing every job.

I thought the Blackrock Clan were the ones working the foundry in their ancestral home.

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Mmm. Can you imagine though. A rail system through the Barrens into Orgrimmar ending in that goblin town in aszhara… Other end stopping in thunder bluff.

Yeah, we just use air travel instead.

What a primitive people.


I guess dodging the question is also an answer.

The foundry is their ancestral home, but it was upgraded with otherwordly schematics and advanced engineering brought from main universe Garrosh. You can’t possibly believe WOD Blackrock Foundry is the original one.

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My answer is that the Blackrock Clan and the Iron Horde as a whole is responsible for Blackrock Foundry since Blackhand was just the overseer. Was that not clear?

If you insist on giving Blackhand all the credit cause he was the boss then AU Grom was his boss and he agreed to pledge the Mag’har to the Horde.

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I believe he’s referring to the fact that those Blackrock au orcs are now part of the horde.

They didn’t just forget their tech.

In fact they still use it all in BFA. We have a bunch of stuff like an Iron Horde-style flotilla of ironclad ships, we have Iron Stars, Iron Horde-style cannons and artillery, rifles, you name it.


It’s badazz stuff. I’m glad blizz didn’t just pretend it wasn’t there. Oh! Also you have gronns and ogron!

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Not really - the goblins of the Blackfuse Company were responsible of upgrading the foundry. The orcs simply were the peons (as usual). The Blackfuse Company never belonged to the Horde (or, at least, the “good” Horde).

Goblins leave plans and if you pay attention you can see the maghar learned this stuff while we were away.

Don’t dismiss horde tech, it’s better than you think.

I mean don’t dismiss alliance tech either… But we don’t often use it well.

Edit: omg I’m agreeing with Guzzle…

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The Blackfuse Company designed the infrastructure, but by the time we the players arrive Blackrock Foundry is run entirely by the orcs, not a goblin to be seen. The highest ranked goblin serving the Iron Horde by the time we arrive is the boss of the railway.

Several important and advanced pieces of technology including their navy (the only navy shown thus far made up entirely of ironclads), the Iron Worldbreaker and iron demolishers were explicitly designed by orcs.

Sure, but to say that upgrading the Blackrock Foundry is a feat of the Horde is false (1. AU Blackrock clan were not a Horde faction 2. Upgrading the foundry was possible because of the Blackfuse Goblins).

I’m not, I’m just correcting a few lore inaccuracies stated here.

Not sure about the demolishers, the Iron Docks were designed by one orc, yes: Solog Roark, and following instructions by an unknown being by the way:

Solog later cites the docks as being a “wasteful piece of over-engineering,” which indicates that he did not have free license to design as efficiently as he would have liked, and likely had to bow to someone else’s direction.

Solog Roark, afaik, never joined the Horde either.

I mean, if you wanted to boast about the Horde’s overall technology knowledge and abilities, choosing AU Draenor is not the best example.


I agree. There’s a lot more to the High Elves than just being fair-skinned like the Blood Elves.


You just said there was not a goblin to be seen and then conceded there was a goblin leading the railway. There was also a goblin on the Iron Docks.

Goblins were rather heavily involved with the Iron Horde.

Are you often this misinformed about your lore?

No but they are now.

There are literally members of the Horde who would have been involved in the rebuilding and then the operation of the Blackrock Foundry.

Who designed the initial tech, but was constructed then taken over by the Blackrock Clan.

I mean not that it matters because the Blackfuse Company were working for the Iron Horde. They were instructed what to make and did it.

It’s like saying the USA didn’t create the nuke because it wasn’t concocted by FDR.

Hey sick attempt at a gotcha, but the Iron Docks and the Grimrail Depot aren’t in the foundry.

Thank you for clarifying.

By the way, why do you lean into cultural differences between elves when convenient, and dismiss it when it isn’t?


I don’t know, why do you ask vague questions that are meant to make a point instead of be possible to answer?

Anyway, have a lovely evening everyone. Daddy has work to do.