Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I mean, I am not the joker.



Blizzard could easily benefit from playable high elves. Since people want them so badly.

Now do i think they should be a playable allied race? No.

Should belfs and velfs have the creation options to be the high elves? Yes.

Give folks a proper character creator. Give belfs and velf blue eye options. Let velfs toggle their void bits off and on. Then give velfs more skin tones.

Problem solved both sides win.

Lore eise just say alleria took on members of the silver covenant and trained them in the void.

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Lets just give the Alliance Half Elves instead. It is a lot more of a better compromise if anything.

I am glad you changed your mind.
I’ve proposed it for several months now.

You say that Blizzard could’nt bend or undertstand the lore:

  • The guy who is responsible for the game development said two times that they won’t create a high elf race since they already exist ingame as blood elf. It is not that they can’t bend the lore, they don’t want too.

  • Blizzard employees are writing the lore, how can you say they don’t understand it?

I don’t understand.

Not really we don’t have many half elves in the lore.

There’s allerias kid. And varessas 2 kids. Thats it.

In wows universe interspecies romance and hybrid children is not common. Its considered taboo.

Just have a better character and we can all have what we want.

Yeah, but Player Characters doesn’t effect anything to do with the lore.

Technically we exist in the lore. Just not as named individuals. We are random adventurers that happen to be at the right place to help the main lore npcs.

I’d be happy with this solution

No, it’s my perspective on what factually happened Talendrion. You may (and likely do) view their refusals completely differently, but refuse they did. :slight_smile:

Belfs, who are fewer in number than High Elves

Nothing is stated as to how many there are or anything else. There is plenty of story to write on them. Nightborne did not exist until they did.

What do electricians call a power outage?

A current event

I have to repeat what Breth said.

WHere did you get this notion?

I just don’t see blizz going with a full race. Thus i suggest the character creation options to allow belfs and velfs to achieve the same thing.

It’s the most logical solution.

It won’t happen because blizzard stated void elves look the way they do to avoid looking exactly like blood elves. It is a non-starter.

He was actually right and I mixed it up.
Blame my posting in between emails at work… I just don’t respond seriously to “what?” as the only word in a reply.

That said, my point is that Blood Elves are very limited in number thanks to the Scourge and comprise a vastly oversized part of the Horde playerbase compared to how many there are in the lore. Nobody seems to have a problem with it, but we do hear frequently that the limited number of High Elves is a reason why they shouldn’t be playable on Alliance.

Yes i know. But it is really ridiculous. Blizz has ways to make people happy and make a profit. But refuses to actually use all their options.

Its just flat dum.

Oakenfist, you do know that Blood Elves were known as High Elves during the scourge invasion.