Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

Good point.

Ok, one of my biggest sticking points is the in-game treatment of a group who refused to come to the aid of their brethren, turned their back on their hereditary leader, refused to honor the fallen, and decided to stay safe and comfortable in places like Dalaran, Stormwind, and a hunting lodge while 90% of their race banded together to take on the struggle of survival without the Sunwell and the rebuilding of a Scourge-shattered nation.

If that group had been written like that in-game, and viewed in-game with suspicion and distrust by their allies for their actions (and lack of actions) after the Scourge I might feel differently. There would still be -to me - the very real concern of diluting faction identity…but that’s my biggest single problem with playable High Elves; their supposed nobility.


Got restored again.

Based mods.


Yes, at this point it seems useless to argue about it with her, imo.

We don’t know that.

All I know is that instead of this thread being a discussion of why high elves don’t work, it’s been a discussion about Helfers flagging the OP.

With that I will quit trying to pick up that mess. I will try and discuss only the OP. :innocent:

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Stop yelling please.

I dropped the topic a while ago, lets not bring it back up.

Oh yeah, I finished watching Disenchantment.

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OK, but you’re the one in the dog house. You don’t get to tell people to stop.

Guzzle, I said I dropped it a while ago, lets leave it dropped.

But why does the Alliance need even more prettier races? They already have female NEs, 2 Dreanie, humans, adorable female gnomes and now Void Elves.

Something something about the elves with tentacles probably being even more anime than the plain anime elves.

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I understand that sentiment that they had abandoned their people. Half of them are up to debate as to when they left, IE sons of lothar.

If they did implement them, I would like to see the intro story come with a great contention from some of the alliance leaders. Maybe held in the same suspicion that the forsaken were in the horde.

I did say this in the High Elf thread Firewoman to Midare.

Midare, just because people also want High Elves, doesn’t mean it has to look like the Blood Elves as well. If the Warcraft universe was of something of the real world, I am pretty sure the same physics would apply. Virtually, something of “No two persons are the same”. Now, if people are unhappy about the models, then alter there models a bit. Hell, just give them the human models and skeletons and just give them pointy ears and long eye brows. Hell, I would be happy with that. And they would still be different enough. Me, I rather play the race for the lore, not the looks. I don’t care if they don’t look like the Blood Elves or what ever.

See, this is what I feel it’s a legit bad take, while ALSO being something people would believe in universe.

The thing is, like with everything, is about perspective. While some would judge the High Elves for not returning to QT, others would understand that the HE’s that remained on human lands had reasons for. The problem with your point is that you present your point as the right one, when it’s literally a matter of perspective.

As many would feel that High Elves are distrustful race traitors, others would believe their loyalties go beyond that just blood. Neither is the “right” answer, they are just perspectives on it.


All of that is subjective.

Think you should be asking: “Why does the Alliance want a race that’s already a part of them just not playable”

You even bringing up “pretty race” puts your side on the shallow end of the argument


Because Anime Elves. Space Goats, Humies, and Goth Elves don’t count. Gnomes…the annoying giggle says it all.

I’m pretty sure the tree elves are the most anime.

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There is nothing shallow about Anime Elves. Oh, wait…

mmm, 80’s anime I’d say

Have you seen the male BE hair styles and poses? Totally Anime. :slight_smile: