Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

:grinning: Don’t mention it, Anything for a buddy.

Ummm just what am I being denied access to? Did I have access to something?

Our club house… duh.

The discord that is cooler than the helfer one.

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…And a complete sentence.

I’m not sure if the Helfer Discord is cool or not. I never have been, nor do I ever want to be a part of it. I have had to many disagreements with some of it’s members. That I would much rather avoid them, and the bits and pieces of hand picked lore. While I Support high Elves for personal reasons, that manifest or whatever, was nearly enough to turn me against them.

But I’m okay not being on either, I don’t really talk much anyways.

They seem a bit… Occasionally stuck up to me. They have a lot of rules too.


They said they need to approve of anyone else joining, they want to make sure you haven’ written anything here that they might have a problem with.
They used to be fine with everyone joining, they were open and wanted to put a good face to their group. Not sure what happened though…maybe a change of people running the show?

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Oh I’m okay not Joining I have really bad social anxiety so I never talk, even in the few discords that I am a part of. So I would only be a waste of a slot.

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We have a cookie channel you know (although it could use some activity really)

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Idk I joined it the friendliest bunch of people, I know the channels have rules, I’m def not the right person to talk to on it other than a quick they don’t seem uptight imo, they are / were very nice and courteous on their dislike of Sylvanas knowing I stan her so I thought that was nice lol

I can’t bake…

I don’t think there are limits.

1: Go to the bakery section of your local grocery store, and purchase some fresh baked cookies.
2: Go home turn on the oven to warm up the inside of it. While the Oven is heating up, place the freshly bought cookies on a pan.
3: Stick pan with cookies in heated up oven for a 1-3 minutes, or until warm.
4: Take a picture of them as you pull them from the oven. Now you are a baker. No one will know the difference.

(Helpful baking tips for the non baker… #3427)

1a: Don’t get pre-frosted cookies for this technique

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Yeah the pre-frosted ones make a bit of a mess. It also makes a bit of a mess when you forget they are in the oven, and are in another room playing WoW, when the smoke alarm goes off.

(Not that it has ever happened to me… except the one time I set the oven on fire making cinnamon rolls.)

That and if you make it to step 4 people start asking really inconvenient questions

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Such as… What did you put in these?
Chocolate Chips.
But they’re peanut-butter cookies.
In that case, I used peanut-butter.

More of the “What did you use to frost these before you put them in the oven?”

Rules they don’t follow. A while back they band several of us even though we hadn’t violated any rules

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