Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

And a magnificent example of a Mag’har you are…

I hope we get these options in Shadowlands.

Hello Fezzy Waves enthusiastically

Yeah that’s my point. It was a game limitation. SC elves likely also use tattoos and plenty of the alliance allied ones would too. This stuff doesn’t just apply to one small group. (allerian stronghold likely a strong candidate for tattoos.)

as the SC are mostly ex farstriders, so would the real farstriders. blood elves will likely be getting them in shadowlands

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I mean they should… Blue eyes too.

There’s no reason other high elves wouldn’t have them too.

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something about blood elves that i found interesting.
Blood elves between the Third War and World of Warcraft were physically identical to high elves, save that they dressed primarily in blacks and reds to remind themselves of their terrible losses. Many painted runes or mysterious tattoos on their faces, arms and shoulders for warding off demons or celebrating significant kills or simply to look intimidating — something high elves would never do.


Gross, are you unironically using wowwiki?

:astonished: Are you saying it’s wrong to pick and choose what is, and isn’t Canon.

I know the wowwiki isn’t canon at least it isn’t anymore. I just thought it funny.

While I’d be wary of wowiki, that’s an interesting bit.

Hello! waves back pittifully, because Night Elf

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I think while not wanting (personally) HE skin tones for VEs, still supporting HEs of course and the community that is so passionate about it. But I’d like to see my VEs and BEs get tattoos I think it’s coming to BEs?? But VE tattoos also please!

They’re not doing anything for AR’s in SLs at least at first so it seems for now Void Elves will have to wait.

Which is so sad to me btw-

But I more or less would still hope to see it sometime during SL :worried:

I’m hoping that all the allied races get some love sometime during Shadowlands.

:hugs: it’s the beard… just let me :dagger: shave it off… Don’t worry I’m a drunk rogue I know what I’m doing.


Well at least tattoos :sob:, because regardless on where people stand with HE / BE , farstrider look I always see have tattoos like Alleria, and some of us like an aesthetic, but I hope they add some love for ARs too.

Someone showed a NE with black hair I think either in the love thread or discord but I am so hyped for that ; that look so good :heart_eyes:


I’m not sure I agree, it seems super weird to me for ARs to be in competition for population position with core races.

I main an AR, just for the record.


It has nothing to do with competing for the population prize. Some of the Allied races are greatly lacking in customization, lore, and in-game representation. I would like to see that change… I’m glad that the core races are finally getting some more love… I want to say I’m going to enjoy having the Blue eyed option for a few of my Belfs, but I honestly don’t think we will get it.


I’ve heard of Sen’layn skin tone / undead skin tone what ever you wanna call it for BE too, I RP the MOST loyal Sylvanas supporter then!

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It absolutely does. ARs aren’t core. They shouldn’t be spending as much time and as many resources on what are not core races. If I have to choose between my Mag’har finally getting piercings and a few armour sets, I know what I’d much prefer.

I’d go with the piercings… Most armor sets in my opinion have been atrocious looking.

Me too :heart_eyes: i always use black or white hair on my characters, is so sad void elves don’t have this options, i would like them much more if they had :frowning:


Yeah, because the WoW art team is absolutely slammed. That’s why we don’t get tier sets anymore.