Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

I think with the rep grinds in general they don’t think all that far ahead.

Thats clear but if they’re going to tie this stuff in maybe they really should. lol

I think you hang your concern of lack of introspection on me not agreeing with your diagnosis, which is based entirely of your perception. Which I could say is rather presumptuous on your part.

No kidding.
See…that’s not what I’m saying a all, but honestly you didn’t need to tell me this. But I think you really know this.

I didn’t expect you to take my observations so personally.

As usual the helfer topic is turned into void elves.

Hey maybe Bliz will roll the remaining helf’s into the void elves also!

I mean… I’ve seen threads on high elves become long lists of various Futurama clips so thats not so strange… At least its vaguely on topic.

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Hahaha now this answer, precious.

It’s like you can’t just call people venomous and tell 'em they lack introspection without them calling you presumptuous for it! The shock of it!

So it’s not Deja-vu? Thanks for clarifying.

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I laugh when people talk about Blizz as if they have ever been consistent with their lore. We all know that they’ll introduce High Elves if they want a quick cash-grab.

Sometimes people need to blow off steam, and sometimes the only people still participating are the people advocating against it. It’s not healthy if this is all flame all the time. After a flag carpet bombing, the mods blessed those posts. Just be glad for the bumps?

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Oh I’m not mad. I think it’s good to clear the air once in a while.

looks at his posts in the other thread

Whew, that’s a relief

Thanks for your support!

Gee I don’t know, Kaleesh, how many times are people who want playable Alliance High Elves going to repost those threads? Or…don’t you think both sides of the debate deserve equal opportunity to post their side of the issue?

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I mean to be fair I’ve seen people complain about the toxicity in these threads sometimes, and one of the go to responses I’ve seen from the antis is “get on discord if you want an echo chamber” so you should at least mildly try to take your own advices and stay on topic

This nastiness was not necessary.

Speaking of toxicity you’ve done little to elevate the conversation. That response is generally used when posters try to prevent us from posting or bar our participation from the conversation… which is itself pretty toxic.