Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer

But the are delicious looking cookies,

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Alright, half troll-tuskar, do they get both pairs of tusks?

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Well believe it or not I used my last like for today on a Tarrok post, no regrets there though. Void Elves play on I’ve said this before but play on a Yennefer of Vengeburg type persona as a race, then you couple it with how their Void exclusivity also makes them forsaken like but Alliance, the quotes from the Cathedral not trusting us etc, so I think we still have potential at that.

But I’ve noticed people on both sides crap on VE’s lol, maybe more so on the Pro side but they’ve been very polite at censoring themselves when I point out I’m a fan. But in general it seems crappy to trash something in an attempt to achieve something.

Right, thus the whole stonecutters thing that lasted for the first few days

A… SIN’Dorei?

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Hyper belongs with us. She would be our queen.

Four tusks and troll feet. Uggg!!! I now have this really bad image of one in my mind.

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And they’d be a large boy. A real barrel of a half Troll-Tuskar with four tusks and troll feet.

Oh you missed the lovely old times when the kind Pros made thread after thread asking for them to be deleted.

So much kindness.


Uh, I have to point out. While they’re not as straightforward with this sentiment, it’s still pretty strong on that side of the fence anyway.

The put downs of Void Elves/ Blood elves, well, essentially anything that is not a blue eyed sin’dorei (yes, I’m calling them that on purpose) is as common and natural to them as stripes on a zebra.


What do you mean old? They still complain about velfs all the time.

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Well, some do. I got the perfect Velf here.

All Void Elves are perfect.

When I say I got the perfect Void Elf, I mean, I got the perfect Palavoid.

Guilty as charged.

See? Ripe with velf hate.

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Hang on…at the same time you’re implying that bad things are happening in there you refuse an invitation to actually see if bad things are happening in there?

which you follow up by saying

instead of actually finding out what goes on there?


Says the guy not in the disc.


I was just asking him about it in the other thread. Join us, Murg!

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Seriously why aren’t you here, we’re talking about near death experiences.

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