Yeah but people tend to say that often on the forums every time something is implicated or introduced that they don’t like.
I really can’t understand why anyone would quit over an eye color.
Yeah but people tend to say that often on the forums every time something is implicated or introduced that they don’t like.
I really can’t understand why anyone would quit over an eye color.
i think because this means the only thing that distinguished an alliance helf from a horde helf was eyecolor, and if belfs get that, that means our alliance high elves are now horde. or something like that.
I’ll keep asking. If blue eyes are confirmed, congrats though!
i never did understand why belfs didnt have blue eyes as an option once the sunwell was restored but i guess its the lore problem.
false. the only thing that distinguishes an alliance high elf from a blood elf(high elf) is a political opinion
why dont you pop the cap on a bottle of alcohol and just pour that stuff right in the gaping wound i’m displaying. might hurt less
I’d like to think that mine was a warrior during the events of the 3rd war and had lost hope after seeing so much of her family and friends die only to find a family member had survived (was one of the pilgrims they allowed to visit the sunwell) which rekindled her faith in the light.
So many cool options it’s gunna be fantastic! For ALL races!
Yep, and that’s really it. Not a great reason for a copycat race for no real reason.
not for allied races…yet. will be fun to see what they do with the african and asian human models.
Remember the Allerian high elves trapped in Outland? They were not among the High elves when the original splintering occurred, and thus were not even given the opportunity to make a choice on which side to return to. Now the Allerian high elf leader Auric Sunchaser is residing permanently at the Sunwell, so you could easily say you were a high elf isolated in Outland during it’s destruction and once the dark portal reopened you decided to return home and rebuild instead of joining the alliance.
It’d be so cool to rebuild with them, could you imagine turning the dread scar into a memorial? Make it a place to show the high elves history leading up to the Sunwell that’s been reignited and the reunited people making it so. Pretty thrilling!
I hope we get more colors for night elf hair… other races are getting a ton, we have 3 so far.
haha! i always forget about that moment because it was so long ago. over 13 years
Yeah, I want lots, and more hairstyles!
wonder why they havent shown the african and asian human models yet? they’ve shown all the ones the trolls had at blizzcon, and the dwarves and the undead, but not the new human hairstyles or african and asian models they showed at blizzcon
I think it’s just a matter of what can be datamined. They did show some options for humans, but I don’t know if it’s all there yet.
If you look at the post they put up about the timeline on the 9th they list the customization options as something that will be tested at a later time, so they’re still adding it in to the alpha files it seems
i hope you’re right and not that they changed their minds
ah k, wheres that at? on the forums? i guess i can just revisit the topic after shadowlands is out, to see what they ended up doing
Or you can be a Scryer who’s priorities have changed and decided that you need to do your part to help reestablish high eleven culture, as Blood Elf culture, within the Horde.
I dont think there is any chance at all that they’ve changed their minds on humans getting the other faces.