Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Jinyu or Anakoan? I’d think they could be very colorful. That’s what we were discussing.

There’d be some green and purple in there too I am sure, but still. I don’t find them interesting. Jinyu were pretty bland story wise. Ankoan weren’t much better.

Well, I think you know how I feel about the banality of a certain other race… but they could certainly sauce the Alliance up. Your opinion aside, I’d enjoy having them around.

I’m not against them being added, but I wouldn’t play one. It wouldn’t get me to come back when my game time is gone.


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I don’t think it would for me either. I don’t prioritize playable races like that… but I would like it.

At this point I am just disappointed in the ARs we got as well as the storytelling.

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I’m right with you there!

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Oh I’m ready, let’s see the trainwreck.

This is a decent point, but there’s one small flaw. There’s a race in WoW that is seamlessly identical to their faction counterparts. They’re called Pandaren.

Ah you addressed this, good. I’m still going to counterpoint. Pandaren weren’t exactly popular out of the get go. From what I remember, many of the Pandaren haters felt the race was out of place. They weren’t popular, so why would they see continued representation in storylines beyond the odd cameo?

Also–Pandaren lore in the Horde doesn’t really make sense any more after what happened with Garrosh–not with the Pandaren’s ‘leader’ in the Horde being treated as he was, but that’s par for the course for half the Horde’s races, isn’t it?

That’s probably true. I’d argue that void elves have even less time divergence, however–and fewer numbers if I remember right.

This argument is stupid, and I’ve never use it personally. A better argument with night elves with nightborne would probably be the arc’andor, and what race helped cure the nightfallen of their woes. It wasn’t the Sin’dorei.

I mean by that logic the Void Elves aren’t culturally different either for consorting with void magic. Moving on.

Let me ask you this–would it have killed Blizzard to put in a little effort and make the void transformation akin to worgen? Looks different during PvP, gives people the Helf aesthetic if they want it, is more consistent with Alleria’s void potential, and may even have allowed for a more visually interesting void form.

By that logic you’re also extrapolating. Common sense could come into play though. Using the void was considered highly radical, and got Umbric and his people exiled from Silvermoon. Silvermoon City itself doesn’t seem impacted by the loss of the (at the time) void cult. Statistically speaking, their numbers can’t be that significant.

Eh if you really want to throw shade, Varessa herself is a bit of a dubious character in the lore, and there’s plenty of sordid thoughts on the subject. Still, I’m sure you can understand why someone might be frustrated to see High Elf NPCs teased–often–to Alliance players, with no access to play them.

Very true. Still it’s not like being quiet will change things. The real question is whether hardcore helf fans will roll Horde and appease Blizzard, or unsub. Honestly though, I doubt the latter will happen enough to make a difference, personally. I got no argument for this one.

Ehhh…BFA Dungeons being designed around Mythic + Keystones is a little…generous, but that’s a topic in itself.

Blizzard’s PR right now isn’t exactly ideal. Like Ion or not, the man’s silver tongue needs some work. He isn’t the main reason for some of the Blizz hate out there, but he ain’t helping.

This is borderline. One good look at a Nightborne will make them very clearly different from a night elf. Very clearly. But if the question of similar models is due to say…PvP or something–this argument loses some of its luster. One good look will separate a night elf from a nightborne, but in something like PvP, you may not exactly get a good look before you start getting your face melted.

Very true. I speculate this is why the Alliance players found it so much more compelling, and were very interested in the race. Compared to Horde or dual faction players, who seemed less enthralled because they had already seen this story before.

I think the biggest problem with the allied races and the frustration there comes from the utter lack of effort and imagination for the Alliance Allied races. Horde pretty much got every race they wanted. Void Elves are, in the end–off brand high elves. Lightforged, while cool, barely get any screentime compared to the Horde allied races in Legion. Seriously–the only Lightforged with personality is T’paartos–a one and done LFD.

The real problem is that like so many of the Alliance Allied races, there was a token effort put in. Lightforged got a slight makeover, Dark Irons are a palette swap, void elves are a palette swap with very little meat to their story, Kul Tirans are fine–although they didn’t get three heirloom sets, and do I seriously need to mention Mechagnomes?

One might argue that giving Blood Elves to the Horde in the first place was a disruption of Horde faction identity. BFA seriously painted just how confused the Horde faction identity is in the first place. You show the burning of Teldrassil and it’s a coin flip whether a Horde player will cheer, or start getting really pouty about being the bad guys again–to the point that it would put the high elf salt to shame.

And my post probably won’t dissuade any classless Horde players from dancing on Alliance’s grave yet again, although I do hope you give me the same courtesy of reading my words as I have yours. I’ll admit your arguments were better than I anticipated. Not used to that on the forums at all.

In the end it doesn’t really matter. Blizzard made their decision. There’s a strong perception that Blizzard has massive Horde favoritism, and why wouldn’t Alliance feel that way? The Horde are karma houndinis in the lore, stories bend over backwards to explain why the Horde’s races will tolerate a megalomaniac as Warchief–twice–and only really turn on their Warchief once they’re losing. Horde’s gotten pretty much every allied race they’ve vocally asked for, while Alliance gets a mixed bag of “meh”, at best.

We’ve talked about numbers a lot. Alliance numbers have been plummeting through all of BFA, particularly Uldir, and the Allied Race controversy hasn’t helped. I’m closest to the RP community (WRA, big surprise right?). Outside of a few well established communities, most Alliance are either going to Moonguard now (as migration often happens when a community starts bleeding numbers like Alliance WRA has), faction changing, or just plain quitting.

Alliance players aren’t happy. Blizzard hasn’t given them a lot of reason to be happy. Any victory Alliance players get is bittersweet: won the war? Horde gets away with near genocide of the night elves. Had a lot of focus in Legion? Nightborne went Horde to negate most of it. It’s been a hard knockin’ life for Alliance fans since Cataclysm, and being Azeroth’s Gotham City that beats the Horde but does nothing to them is paltry compensation.

If Blizzard wants any remote pretense of both factions seeing play, something needs to change, and it starts with actually putting some genuine care and effort to both factions.


It looks like you spent a lot of time on that. Maybe you should clean up the quotes? Something didn’t connect and it’s pretty unreadable.

Yeah I noticed that. Took a hot minute to fix it. Apparently you need to have the [/quote] below the quoted text–beside won’t do. First time I’ve seen that one.

very thorough and well thought out. thumbs up. sadly, its too late.

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i dont think alliance mains are selecting alliance races now. i think horde mains are selecting alliance races they dont mind playing on their alts or they think would be funny to force alliance mains to have to endure, such as diaper gnomes or thicc ballet dancers. in fact, they’ve even went as far as to paint a very thicc elf and claim they want that to be the alliance’s next race. alliance is just the george mcfly of warcraft now

heres our high elf
isnt that funny.

Honestly I’m only bothering with Alliance–and by extension, the game–because of my guild, my community, and the writing involved. It sure as heck isn’t the game or most of the stuff Blizzard is putting out.

you have a writing community? sounds cool.

That elf hot though. She fat with an F.

Yeah, I’m a dirty RPer. What can I say? I enjoy writing storylines and after doing 10 Man Heroic and my old server not being able to accommodate 20 man mythic, PvE became kind of a been there, done that for me until Battle for Dazar’alor.

It’s not my community, though. This toon is just pretty good at getting into other groups, and that makes a little community of writing from there. :slight_smile:

i use to run creative writing rpgs. had one for dune, star wars, star trek and vtm. the dune one was by far, the most intellectually stimulating but the star wars one was just pure craziness. you never knew what someone was gonna come up with because the extended universe cannon was enormous.

Ah the state of Star Wars…Another thing to be sad about. 2020 has been a bad year for some of us nerds.

long live luke skywalker and farewell to carrie fisher and peter mayhew.

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