Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

Void Elves are GMO-Thalassians, genetically different than the rest, and were a mistake as well in my opinion. Their only saving grace in that respect is because they are so differentiated from their parent race. I also think Nightborne shouldn’t have happened.

And, as Tarrok points out:


i support void elves though, because they flat out kill the possibility of playable alliance high elves identical to a blood elf :+1:

Have you been told recently that not wanting blue blood elves and even pointing the flaw in the argument against them means you’re not a real Alliance player?


And thus, you already have them. Problem solved.

Ok. Good argument against their inclusion. You guys are making this really hard for me.

Since when? We can play a few humans, dwarves and draenei. Their difference is almost just a political one. And since we already have a Thalassian race on the Alliance, High Elves are physically different enough from Void Elves to be included, if we’re only looking for a physical difference.

I have one because I dig the aesthetic and opportunity to meme-name one by naming mine Kylorendorei to highlight the incredible emo nature of them was too good to pass up.

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No, no one’s gone quite that far off the rails yet - not in all the years I’ve been publicly opposed to them.

Huh, that’s odd. I figured that since I’ve seen people chased off the argument with the accusation of “not being true Alliance players”, they would have tried the same with you.

Maybe whoever did that to others figured it wouldn’t have any effect on me…and if that’s why then they were right. :slight_smile:

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That’s pretty cool then.

I wish they would stop with the whole “b-but you’re selfish!” thing too, it’s a waste of time to do that too.

Yeah here’s the thing with that:

If it’s selfish of one group of people not to want a core race in their faction to be cloned over to the other faction then why isn’t it selfish to ask for it to happen?

I mean, I’m fine with “Yes, I’m selfish - I want to play what I want to play on the faction I want to play it. I don’t care how you feel about it.” as a statement, no matter how strongly I disagree with them. It at least has the virtue of honesty going for it.


Absolutely. I’d appreciate that more than trying to pretend only one side it’s selfish as if that gives some sort of higher moral ground.


Well, it really is. The playable base race is on the horde, so it was more than I wanted them to do to do the elf swap as it is. So it seems even more inappropriate to give the Alliance more options for those elves than the faction that has the parent race.


I’m selfish. I want to eat all the cookies.

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If one is not greedy about cookies, specially chocolate chip… are they even human?

These are the philosophical thoughts that keep me awake at night.

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I don’t think they are human. Also chocolate chip is the best imo, followed by peanut butter.

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High Elves are actually Alliance and if brought into the game, would be Alliance only. And also have BLUE eyes.

I live in a place where peanut butter it’s merely a recent thing and it even appeared first in it’s sweet (incredibly sweet) form.

So, unless I try to make those cookies myself, and I suck at baking… I doubt I’ll ever try them.

But, on the upside, we’ve had dulce de leche for almost a century, so that balances it out.

So, out of idle curiosity; what will/would your response be to blue eyes being added for Blood Elves in the collection of Core Race customization options Blizzard has stated are in the works?

I will make you some that aren’t overly sweet then! I’m not a fan when things are too sweet anyway. Frosting made mostly out of confectioners sugar kills me.

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I know you weren’t asking me, but personally I’d be happy for the blood elves who want them. It wouldn’t affect my desire to play a high elf alliance side. I really think they should somehow be distinct from blood elves anyway beyond just eye color.

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