Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

They should have, but I don’t think it’s too late to explore that. It would add to the story of the blood elves and the high elves. Maybe even something like a reunion, but it doesn’t work out and the high elves remain alliance and the blood elves remain horde.



I hope whatever you’re drinking isn’t as stale as that argument.


High elves dont work? Guess that explains Dalaran’s high unemployment rate.

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You’re used to drink warm, stale alcohol I guess.


Thank you, both, for proving my points.
njo debates, no refutations; just playground insults.
As usual.
No skäl for immaturity.

they are playable(lol)! and not just the ‘majority’ the VAST majority. a political opinion doesnt mean the alliance high elves are a different race. they simply arent. this race is playable. an AR variant of them is also playable. youre not getting a copy of a horde race on the alliance side without modification because 2 NPCs stand around in SW. even the SC, dalaran aligned not alliance. and they could be left to slowly die off screen in dalaran for the rest of the game now that void elves have arrived and be barely mentioned in the future and no one will be surprised except maybe 5-8 people on this forum

so, auric was the captain of the few high elves at allerian stronghold. the last time we see him he has taken up residence on quel’danas. stating a desire to avenge the destruction of their lands, and referencing the ‘quel’dorei’ and sin’dorei collectively as the ‘children of silvermoon.’ its unlikely he abandoned the elves under his command, and i believe they returned to their homeland together. that was in wrath. lets be real here thats more story then they needed for what amounts to 5 elves and its definitely the last


Don’t bring tired and weak arguments if you want people to expend effort on them.


I’m sorry, but you’re not going to guilt trip me into agreeing with you.

And besides, if you want to go down that road, you’re the spiteful one who can’t understand that the Horde has had what you’re asking for since 2006 and want it for yourself instead.

Yes, you are ignoring that they are already playable, and the fact that making them playable in Alliance would have effects.

People can want to play whatever they want to play. That doesn’t mean it will or should happen.
I want dwarves in the Horde.
Will it happen? No.
Should it happen? Also no.

But what? Are you going to tell me that because there are no dwarves on the Horde I’m not allowed to want this? What are you? Spiteful and selfish(™)?

Or maybe just maybe, what makes each faction what they are thanks to their iconic races, should remain on their respective sides and we can simply dream while not expecting things to cater to our very whim.


You chose to ignore all my points that proved my point. Gj.

Then if they are the exact same thing. Then why are you asking for a second version of them?

Gettin’ greedy, aren’t we?

hopefully blizzard will fix their mistake and kill vereesa or fold her and her pathetically tiny SC back into the farstriders in shadowlands. the entire race should have left the alliance(no mage trainer in SW), and just left vereesa in dalaran. would have spared us the spam and dishonest arguments that boil down to getting a copy of a horde race without modification

They’re the same race, yeah, but they have different views of the world and politics. Just like Kul Tirans, Dark Iron Dwarves and Worgen do. They’re still humans and Dwarves, yet we have multiple versions of them.

Good arguments against their inclusion though. “Getting greedy”, damn, bruh, how am I ever going to refute that?


Honestly, out of the three stooges, Vereesa has always been the worst, most useless and pointless of the three.

Her entire role was being the younger of the three and being a spawns factory for a human.

I wish she’d go, at the very least, down the same path of that one character that should not be named and even blizz wants to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Not really. I mean, it’s stablished that the loyalty of Void elves to the Alliance has been holding on strong for decades now, in fact, they have stronger reasons to be loyal to the Alliance than “uh, can we squat around here while we ignore our own?”.

But, if they are the same thing, you’re askinng for a second of something you already have. That is indeed quite greedy.

I think you’ve missed the one thing all those other races have in common; they’re on the same faction as their “parent” version.


Thanks for catching on that. I think my brain shut down when my eyes reached that part of the post.

It is really going down like the greatest hits of absurd argumentational points…

One semi-hilarious aspect of this is that I am somehow considered greedy, or selfish, or mean because I don’t want a Blue version of Blood Elves on the Alliance even though the only Blood Elf I’ve ever created was started as a DK and never played outside the starting area. Oh, and that I main Alliance.


Void Elves are thalassians. We can already play that race too

Congratulations, you got your playable Thalassians, don’t get greedy.


hilarious. a political opinion isnt enough in a faction based game. its why the void elves were differentiated from blood elves(high elves) before they were made playable. oof