Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

There’s a big difference. Nobody will ever quit over the exclusion of playable high elves.

No flying on the other hand, not only affected every single players but was also something taken out. Not added, like the high elves would be.

Even if more players want high elves, if it doesn’t affect subs, they will never go that route. Unless Blizzard removes the faction divide. Which is opening another can of worms.


Not only that, but anyone that thinks a company will sit on a money making decision “for a rainy day” instead of making the money when they can, has to be pretty naive.


Indeed. With more time spent on high elf leveling and the LOT of faction and race change that would obviously come with their inclusion, if they still think it’s detrimental to the game, who are we to discuss otherwise.

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This isn’t entirely true. There are people on both the High Elf Discord and apart of the Legacy of the Quel’dorei group that have indeed cancelled theirs and their families subs over the fact High Elves are not playable. Even some of my friends and family members have cancelled for this reason.

Flying indeed affected everyone, but there were a lot of people who didn’t really care if it was added or not when the issue arrised. People will quit for things because they want to enjoy the game their way. Not everyone is going to enjoy things that others may enjoy.

Lastly, they do not have to remove faction lines to make Alliance Quel’dorei Playable. They have been, and always have been, apart of the alliance. Not once were they Horde. So this argument about it removing faction divide is unfounded. “But they’re the same race.” Yeah, but different people, doing different things, different ideals, living differently, serving different sides, with different goals. I’m well aware of the opposition, I just don’t agree, nor expect them to agree with me.

As for the “saving for a rainy day.” It could be possible that this is exactly what happened from Cataclysm to Pandaria. People wanted Pandaren since Vanilla and many times were told no by the opposition. Yet it happened and did infact generate money. Whether you or I believe it was a good expansion or not is irrelevant. Cataclysm was a long dry spell that ended with what could have been a “rainy day” situation. I am just saying, it’s silly to rule out possibilities when we know nothing about the inner workings of the WoW team. We can simply state what we want and hope it happens.


That alone immediately means you admit that there i the aspect of faction divide.
Race matters more than different politics, end story.

You don’t wait for money later, that you can have today period.
Panda needed to be rogrammed in

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I don’t subscribe to that process of thought because then you are implying they never have a plan if things go south. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be a very good business.

Also, it can be the end of your story, it’s your opinion. I disagree, end of story.

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Generally a big part of the plan is not to let it get to that point by sitting on a profit maker when money is worth more the sooner you get it.


I get the concept, but with the way things have been in the past, it seems doubtful.

Basically I think they don’t think it will add to the game in a good way (worries about genericizing the story in a way that makes it more comparable to generic fantasy mmos, not knowing which side is bigger the side that wants them or the people who may end up upset about the change to races/story/whatever and possibly quit) and so they gave a compromise that some people don’t like that fit in better with their vision of the game.

If there wasn’t any doubt that they could add this to the game as a net positive for them that would have been enough to inflow of cash that if the game was dying it would save it, they’d be idiots not to because you get more bang for the buck the longer you have it.

Blizzard isn’t going to stupidly hide a race behind an emergency button.

Emergency button situations give you 8.3’s not races.

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They would if the dev team is divided on the issue as it serves to just leave the issue untouched.

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They could hide whatever they wish and we wouldn’t know about it. I personally feel it’s been done for years, which helps keep bringing in the flow of people with each new expansion. Be it Race, Class, or a zone we’ve only heard of. While I understand that this could be said for any expansion, things like WoD come to mind where it felt like rehashing old stuff that had potential to be something better then it was. Then BAM Demon Hunters came out. To each his own I guess.

Then they wouldn’t develop it. So it wouldn’t be an emergency option. It’d take too much work.

I personally wont entertain conspiracies.


We are talking about HE’s correct? They are already developed and in game as Alliance aligned units the emergency option is just waiting to make them playable.

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More goes into it than that. Also they have said they’re not distinct enough so they’re not going to release them as is. They’d do something to them first. They’re not going to release them as they are. (Their eyes aren’t even up to par currently).

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Uh no, NPCs in the game exist but that does not imply that playable Alliance High Elves, which are a different thing altogether, have already been developed and are just sitting in a code vault somewhere ready to be implemented if they decide to.


Telogorus Rift High Elves has their eyes updated fine, weird.

But the division of the dev team on the topic of HE’s would say keeping it as an emergency option as a simple way of not doing anything drastic with it, would be the reason why they would have an emergency option. Or they would have simply done away with HEs making VEs come from them.

Those are DK eyes when I looked last…

So all the HEs in Telogorus Rift are DKs?

I would think it was a nice touch updating their eyes as well as other Elf eyes :confused:

No they just haven’t fixed the eyes for high elves yet. (unless they have its been a minute since I checked) sometimes things in game are just game play or just more work than they’re worth.