Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)


I’ve just developed a few extra peeves in my time

But politics is important. Sometimes it’s the biggest factor in a division of people.

The Silver Covenant have closer political and social ties to the Kirin Tor and Alliance than the Sunreavers. This would have an effect on the power dynamic and attitudes in the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers. There is some animosity, both veiled and open on both sides. All of this wold lead to divergence in cultures and fashion. The Sunreavers are the Greasers and the Silver Covenant are the Soces of to Dalaran. (And I hope you’ve seen or read The Outsiders or that joke would be lost :rofl:)

And just because these differences are not depicted in game yet doesn’t meant they don’t exist. Hence back to may example of Zandalari and Darkspear. Until Blizz decided they need to depict them looking different despite the large cultural differences, they looked exactly the same.

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Oh don’t mind me, I am just gonna judge this squirrel. It turned to Fel.

And sometimes it’s not that big of a deal.

unless there’s some book type stuff that’s not reflected in game, well, pretty much, yeah, that is what it means so far.

That can be changed of course.

The lore just keeps changing anyways. At the moment, with how much changes there are to the lore, things are actually just not making sense.

Well yeah, but who knows what direction they’ll go with things.

You mean this direction?


this doesnt hold up either. the elves that make up the core of the sunreavers are credited by jaina herself in the game as the elves who helped humanity discover magic and have been productive citizens of dalaran for thousands of years. while the SC are mostly farstrider types. vereesa herself has not lived in dalaran for centuries. while the last high elven member of the council was aethas, and kael preceded him

again zandalari are described by voljin in shadows of the sun as being at least a head taller then other trolls and more ‘exalted’ so why they look different makes sense. blood/alliance high elves are identical and any reason you think they can look different, theres no reason a blood elf cant also appear this way for the same reasons

You do know that the Sunreavers were formed around the same time as the Silver Covenant?

Highborne lore is Highborne lore. Highborne descendants have been a Horde thing since BC.

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Not sure there.

I’m mainly just poking at the point that the argument being presented has some points in the lore, but then jumps off of those to make conclusions about the current state of things that aren’t actually based in lore. Like that being separate for 15 years would lead to a significant culture drift, we’re looking at a pretty long lived race so 15 years doesn’t have as much significance as it would to us as humans where that’s nearly a generation.

Jaina says the Sunreavers are “the same Sunreavers” who originally taught humans magic in the first place. So no, the Sunreavers are far older.

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the organization name could be new but the core of the elves who created it are not new. why dont you go cite the outdated encyclopedia out of context again

No, Aethas Sunreaver was part of the council of the six, and he was the one who had to work to re-admit the Blood Elves into the Kirin’tor, therefor, forming the Sunreavers.

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That is perfect.

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yea the blood elves that cut ties and did not return to help rebuild dalaran. the blood elves that joined the horde in TBC. relations between dalaran and quel’thalas were strained after they joined the horde :upside_down_face:

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Did they become the Sunreavers (in name) then or because the SC formed in opposition?

According to Jaina the Sunreavers have existed for thousands of years.

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Don’t Elves use last names like we do, so it could be named after an earlier Sunreaver? Since it’d be silly to say Arthas couldn’t have invaded a place named Sunstrider Isle as Kael wasn’t ruler at that time. Since the Sunstrider name goes back to the founder of the kingdom.

edited to reflect that I looked up the answer partway through writing it