Because nobody wants the exact same race twice except for people that apparently can’t bear to play the opposite faction. I’d rather have a damn San’layn then deal with HE’s on ally and we already have too many elves.
Late to reply to your posts on the high elves where always apart of the alliance, they where apart of the alliance of lordaeron originally then the elves peaced out during the scourge hijinks.
How many years has it been, Cezol? How many If you want to play a fair-haired, light-skinned, blue-eyed majestic high-elf, sorry but…the Horde is waiting for you comments need to be made? How many alternatives like Void Elves need to come into being?
Face it: If Bliz wanted playable High Elves on the Alliance to be in the game they would be in the game. Could they change course? Sure. Can you point to anything other than a vague “there’s always a chance” comment that implies they’re even considering it?
Hardly, it’s a perfectly reasonable supposition based on the current state of things.