Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

I’m all for half elf, half…something.

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And yet the story is always written from an Alliance pov.

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No. Just that they’re high.

Half elf, half potato


See everyone? He’s an alliance character. I want my tauren on the alliance now please!

Baine? Cool?

Elf Please, Baine belongs on a BBQ, along with all the other Tauren.

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We can only hope.

Who knows, maybe it’s all part of a plan to make us feel rock bottom then give us all we want back to back to cash in on good will. :man_shrugging::man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

As a DK main I’d be happy to forcefully trap Cairne’s soul into his body so we don’t have to deal with that traitor anymore.

Do all the Alliance want playable high elves though


No, no we don’t.


did we all want mechagnomes though. haha

Did all of the horde wanted Blood Elves?

Okay, you narc.

Thats an executive decision

Why does that matter? It was an executive decision

finish that with, some do. then the sentence is truly accurate.

Well we did find out the half-orc-half-elfs are all chonk


Why does it matter to you then for Alliance side to have Playable High Elves as an Allied Race?

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I think he more takes issue with people speaking as though they talk for all Alliance players.

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wooo i hope they executive decision half elves and give them access to all human skins/hair/faces including caucasian, asian and african!