Most of the anti’s are actually decent folks, if you’re decent with them. I speak from experience
Neither should I, I’ve been known to completely lose it at times.
That would be me, I’m like a Pronti, or an Antro. I’m pro High Elf with Anti tendencies, which are most noticeable when having to defend Blood Elves.
You’re pretty decent yourself.
I agree but I would state the same thing back.
This doesn’t mean anything to me I’m not going to make analogies because they’ll be twisted verbatim I’m sure, but your experience doesn’t discredit mine.
That’s the main issue I’ve noticed on that side of the fence, as in “if you don’t abide with certain requisites, you’re not a true pro High Elves”…
I’ve seen some of them even saying that Alliance players that were against them are not real Alliance players… that’s just wrong.
I’ve been told that as a Horde players I shouldn’t have a say on the whole matter despite of the very close ties between the races.
It’s just…
Everyone started off with the wrong foot.
This is true. So consider this my let bygones be bygones statement.
I am Pro, but I take up the defense of VE’s and BE’s lol
EDIT: and Sylvanas too actually
That’s good to see
But now if you excuse me, the summer heat it’s starting to make me feel dizzy no matter how much water I drink… I think I’ll go lay down.
Isn’t your whole schtick that you’ve only been involved in this conversation for like two weeks?
So time is contingent on having a valid experience? Isn’t your whole schtick … never mind
Or it might just be saying that the person who’s been hanging out with us for a while now might have had more experience with us than someone who’s just joined in to this whole debate.
But to me thats just your buddy sticking up for his bros. I’ve stuck up with my experience with the PRO HE’s community countless times, but never discredited Izzabelle’s experience or anyone elses so it feels a little like “they’re good people its you” to me, which means nothing to me, fraternity bros stick together all the time.
This does mean something to me, and I’m fine with starting on a new foot.
If you stick to it good. It feels like you made some huge leaps when you started dealing with a lot of us that took general disagreement, snark, and legitimate help and viewed it as a massive attack. No offense, but you went over a line with me and I’m not going to forget that as it was pretty hurtful. But if you stick with it I’m good with moving on.
And maybe, just maybe, consider being a little less lavish with your praise for various high elf posters/discord? I mean telling someone “good point” now and then is one thing, but you kind of take it over board into what feels more like “Courtier at Versailles jockeying for favor in court by coming up with over the top praise for the king” And often those praises feel like a veiled attack on us with the presumption that our arguments do not follow lore, or similar.
heyyy now, speak fer yerself haha
He is at an eleven right now, would it hurt so much to dial it back a few notches?
golly just when me ego was starting to recover. hehe!
I mean, I figure there’s a point where even when you’re the one receiving the praise that it gets embarrassing if it’s that over the top
But the thing is you have to move on too. Because you can scoff at my experience and discredit it any which way and I’m not going to name them all to reignite it, but that was my experience, and instead of extending an olive branch in the moment the attacks just continued and continued so that to me was pretty hurtful.
I’m fine with starting on a new foot, period as in new foot. But I’m not going to be paying compensation for a slight you felt in the past without you doing the same for me.
As to the other thing, I’m not going to censor my praise of people I see, that is how I talk, I tend to talk a lot, in fanciful run on sentences, its just how I talk, I tend to agree with the pros so they get the praise, for what its worth at the top of my I have praised Midare before, I think I commented on how much I appreciated the Orgrimmar Chen discussion because it reminded me how much I loved Orgrimmar. But regardless thats just how I am, your gifs feel attacky that make me feel like their meant to mock me, I’m going to just have to learn thats not the intention and thats just how you talk.
i think you’re nice. said that before. haha. just be yourself . he just likes to poke fun at people. that’s the tauren in him, i guess. but goose gander, as the readers digest condensed version goes.
I have no compunction to pretend what happened did not happen just because you said we need to move along. I have had my experience with you, and you have not shown yourself in a good light so far.
Look, if you stop the nonsense you have been involved in since you joined in I can be convinced over time that you’ve changed. I am not going to just go “This person has said we should move on, I will wipe my memories of them and pretend that they have not tried to hurt me in the past”
And what do you want? I mean how do I apologize for what was meant as a humorous response to what was either a repeat of a bad argument we’ve seen thousands of time or to someone digging themselves into a hole with a repeated assertation that doesn’t seem right to me being treated as if it were some sort of threat? I mean, sorry you didn’t like it, but I in no way meant anything more than a sarcastic implication that you needed to move on from what it was you were saying.