Why High Elves Don't Work: A Primer (Part 1)

And they’d be a large boy. A real barrel of a half Troll-Tuskar with four tusks and troll feet.

Oh you missed the lovely old times when the kind Pros made thread after thread asking for them to be deleted.

So much kindness.


Uh, I have to point out. While they’re not as straightforward with this sentiment, it’s still pretty strong on that side of the fence anyway.

The put downs of Void Elves/ Blood elves, well, essentially anything that is not a blue eyed sin’dorei (yes, I’m calling them that on purpose) is as common and natural to them as stripes on a zebra.


What do you mean old? They still complain about velfs all the time.

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Well, some do. I got the perfect Velf here.

All Void Elves are perfect.

When I say I got the perfect Void Elf, I mean, I got the perfect Palavoid.

Guilty as charged.

See? Ripe with velf hate.

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Hang on…at the same time you’re implying that bad things are happening in there you refuse an invitation to actually see if bad things are happening in there?

which you follow up by saying

instead of actually finding out what goes on there?


Says the guy not in the disc.


I was just asking him about it in the other thread. Join us, Murg!

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Seriously why aren’t you here, we’re talking about near death experiences.

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It’s great for you that you’ve had a good experience so far. I’m sure with all the love and praise you’ve heaped on them here they will do their best to keep you as an asset. :heart_eyes_cat:

I didn’t imply anything goes on there, never brought up that discord. Speaking for myself why would if I do not get along with people on the forums, never seen kindness from that side of the fence, join the discord with the same people? Why would I subject myself to that is what I said.

EDIT: As in I know how I’ve been treated on the forums, do not wish to continue it on discord. It’s not a hard concept to grasp that someone says they would not feel welcome.

To quote you again Izzabelle I apologize. Said the same thing in more or less terms about the PRO side, which is fine. But because you all don’t like me you’re going to zoom in, re read, zoom in again, Webster dictionary everything I said for synonyms and then say I meant the worst thing with anything I say.

I guess I’m chopped liver… but then again, it’s not like I’m not used to people forgetting I exist.

In any case, I do wonder how long this perception will last, knowing them, it won’t take long for them to shoot themselves on the foot.


I actually quite like you, but liking of posts that are personal attacks against me, I just assumed we weren’t good.

Didn’t forget about you :slight_smile:

And here I thought I was your favorite… :sob: :broken_heart:

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I thought you’d be considered Pro with a tendency to agree with both sides at times :o

MY FAVORITE BLOOD ELF. I feel like I recall crowning you Queen Izzabelle too!

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I appreciate that, but I all I’ve ever upvoted were things that simply estated things that made sense.

I have quite the nose when it comes to personal attacks, which is why I know how to avoid them on the forums for the most part (even though sometimes people will twist what was said to claim I was doing it anyway), saying that you mistook something and how everything just went south from there is not an attack, it’s simply pointing something out.

Not going to deny that I’ve had my moments I mean… to this day I still remember about a certain line someone else said and I’ll bring it up… but in my defense, that was pure comedy gold. But… trying to keep on talking seriously here, all I’ll say about the topic at hand, is that you really can’t spend kindness when you don’t offer the same… to be a little less serious, it’s basically the “Law of equivalent exchange”.

And to finish I’ll simply say that the pro side has been losing even people that are supporters of High elves for a reason.

To be fair, I shouldn’t be anyone’s favorite :stuck_out_tongue: