Every day.
That’s a lot of words to essentially say “They dress in blue instead of red and they eat human food and so they’re totally different!”.
If you have to find these very, very superficial points, and claim these make them their own people, because they “dress differently”…
I honestly got nothing, I’ve seen this superficial point made so many times it’s almost tiresome, specially when there’s several things that they’ve show with their attitude and actions that only make them look closer to what Blood elves are.
But hey, you keep on taking that line out of the context of High elves honoring their fallen.
Personally I know I had to give up my citizenship yesterday because I was out of my usual selection of black band shirts and had to swap to a plain white shirt.
Oh dear… I just realized I’ve been tired of eating beef in some forms for decades now…
They will kick me out of my country!
You simply cant. Especially when some of the books have side stories that wouldnt work in the game. The books and short stories are used to develop characters that you cant do in game without suffering the experience of gameplay.
Stories mainly are sideplots that aim to add character depth that you cant do in the game, and said sideplots usually are brought up/resolved rather quickly and would offer no interest to said game.
Bruh, if you’re gonna use that, at least spell it right.
And I’m still waiting for the performance of the Haka by the way.
Food and fashion are very important parts of culture.
I’m human as every person on this planet is. But I’m also Korean and American, my food and my tastes in fashion and music very much is a cultural signifier in how much of different I am than my Korean family. Food is how people come together as a culture in celebration, in mourning, in spending time with loved ones. Fashion is how we show our culture off, in how we dress, the music we listen to, it says what people we are. I feel it’s your anthropological sensitivity that is shallow and because of that you can’t see how these things would signify the deeper differences.
Now why would you do that? C’mon.
Uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huh and how many high elf dinner menus do we see in-game?
Mate they literally just wear blue versions of the same clothes. That’s the difference.
Who cares? If he says there are too few of X, there are too few of X.
The numbers argument is baseless. Ion has also described Void Elves as a “crack squad.” If we take this literally that means there are aprox 9-15 Void Elves in total. If we take it figuratively it still means there are far less Void Elves than there are High Elves.
That doesn’t make you a different race just because your cultural cuisine is different than someone else. Nor does it because of your dress. Those are cultural differences not racial ones. Anyone can take part in those things and be whatever race they were before. It doesn’t change you.
Don’t get me wrong I support the High Elves being playable, (though I err towards a scenario to just end the discussion where the High Elves become Void Elves) but this isn’t the way to make that a reality. its just flimsy if this is the main thing your using to differentiate them.
I didn’t say race. I said people.
We know that hey have died in conflicts, been absorbed by other cultures, and returned home. He simply clarified the lore for us. As often is the case in WoW. What happens in game is unclear and we need novels or Q&As to figure it out.
well the human diet consists of cheese and bread. vs. the dwarf diet which consists of beer and bread. whats the typical belf diet? i have ten belfs, and dont recall. lol
Yeah, but you see, when you start using real life examples, one important factor it’s missing.
The world is not divided in two factions.
Trying to compare your experience as whatever ethicity you have doesn’t apply in the same way here.
Here we have magic, which affects both High elves and blood elves equally.
Here we have their actions in the lore, where they’ve displayed again and again, makes them as similar to blood elves as they could be.
Here we have limitations when it comes to models, which is why my blood elf priest is a ripped as my blood elf warrior.
The moment you ignore these factors (and many, many more) and you try to use RL as an equalizer, the argument goes out of the window entirely.
I doubt the statement was made as a serious one.,
That’s just because priests are the master race, sweet cheeks.
The stuff of magic and leisure.