Ooooh, I wanna poke the bear.
Hey lann, lighten up. even though it may not be on with the topic, it is something that does calm everyone down, and stops with the huge debate between both the pro’s and anti’s. After all, having peace, even if it is for a short while, is better than having no peace.
We mean Lann in this case right? I’m often a bear and I don’t want to be poked…
wait is it… wait who is the bear? Is it just Antis? Helfers?
I agree but the same energy should be kept regardless because as others have stated I’m not imagining people telling others to get off the forums and go to discord for x y z, so it seems disingenuous to live by that when it suits you and then be all to happy to not when it doesn’t.
At the end of the day I agree the conversation should be friendlier, and tossing that go to line at people in the trash is a step in the right direction, as well as lightening the mood.
/pulls out Farnsworth finglonger.
Not even with a Finglonger?
looks upon it
Oh… all right. One poke.
Yeah, but if you think about, we could actually be having a monkey knife fight in here instead
No interpretation of events indicates this.
I’m not going to keep repeating myself, and at this point your arguing with yourself. You can’t just be all drama all the time. Otherwise I’m not interested in entertaining your hyper vigilance.
Oh and…
Nah, I don’t like Monkey Knife Fights. Should be Gorilla’s with Shotguns.
Did you just threaten me!?
I’m kidding - I couldn’t find the clip of Zoidberg saying it.
I find this weirdly frightening.
Ok, how about Penguins with guns?
They have nothing on Robot Santa.
Just remember their limitations
Have you ever been into space before?
I suggest you read the last line of my op, lad.
A lot of these are non futurama videos as well / comics / memes. I don’t think it’s a lot to ask to either be consistent in conversation and civil which entails stop telling people to get on discord when they ask the same out of the opposing side, or take your own advice on the matter, is what I’m advocating for.