Why High Elves Didn't Work - A Restrospective

If his primer post was linkable I’d have done that so there was context to his original.

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We saved the original in our Clubhouse.


I see. Interesting to know. I wasn’t around when it was posted on the forums at the time I guess (until recently), being an EU player and all.


What I find just as outrageously comical as I find it absurd is that people stuck their nose up at the void elves and utterly denied they were high elves. They get some blood elf skin tones and in the span of literal minutes now they are high elves. High elves with all this “lore” coming out of no where just minutes after blizzard said “Here you go. Here’s some customization options. Enjoy.” and nothing else.

It’s not “lore.” It is you applying your imagination.


Guzzle posted this, not sure if it’s all of Lydon’s work though.


Will read it now actually. Thank you!


Guzzle updated it at the end.


You’re welcome. All the helfers should be very familiar with it. lol


And yet here we are, still talking about it

Hey Lydon, how have you been? I still want high elves as their own AR, but realize it’s not likely if this is the route they are going.


Join our discord already, Lydon!


Of course it is. Why does this surprise you? Lore is as useful as last weeks tabloid. It changes from moment to moment.

Everyone knows that Blizzard will never give way to see the alliance get the thing they have been asking for since the game came out.

The Horde never asked for it before they got it to stem their decreasing numbers. But having been gifted with the holy grail, they will share of it not a drop but under the direst protest.

How laudable.

Everyone knows that the devs would rather burn the whole game than give in to the Alliance, all the while tossing the Horde cookie after cookie.

This concession is the closest it will ever come and its a just a few clicks short of miraculous to see it.

As usual, the Alliance has no choice but to take what they are given and make the best of it.

And still nay-saying cruelty pundits can’t stand for even a near orbit to happiness. Still they grasp at any way to tear at the brittle plaster of what the Alliance has to work with.

So yes, while the Horde sits on its embarrassment of riches lobbing insults across the divide, the Alliance has to find a way to be as okay as they can with the leftovers spilled from the table.

And applying imagination is part of that.

How canny of you to spot it.

Please, resume attempts to take even more from the Alliance’s nearly bare table, already in progress clearly.


We get them in the form of night elves :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Blizzard this is my one request!! Make it so :raised_hands: with a cherry on top :pray:

blond night elves gonna look hella weird :thinking:

but I dig it.

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Paladins? Peas?

I’ve seen the organist hair for NEs but iam still hoping for platinum blonde myself.

I’m actually really loving all the night elf customization so far coming in shadowlands.

The white hair they have looks ok, I can’t imagine platinum blonde looking too bad either, with the right skin tone anyway.

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This is why “Why Primers don’t work: A High Elf” was a successful thread.

These Anti-High Elfers are the same as High Elfers. Spamming endlessly.


Void elves are way cooler than pansy high elves anyway.

We are the Lords of edginess.


Man all elves are trolls…

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