đŸš« Why High Elves are a bad idea

For less than 30 years ago they were high elves, then they became blood elves, but they are still the same old elves.


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so if blood elves are high elves. why would they go back to calling themselves high elves. i just dont get it :man_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

High Elves are a group of Thalassians allied with the Alliance and have distinct culture, allegiances, values, leaders, organizations, and ethics.

Blood Elves are a group of Thalassians allied with the Horde with different culture, allegiances, values, leaders, organizations, and ethics.

This is not difficult. No one made this argument before BfA.


Nobody says it, but it is the alliance that insists on that.
Canonically speaking, my character is a high elf who survived the devastation of Quel’thalas (I think), and then called himself an blood elf because of Prince Kael’thas, but he is still a high elf.


As I said with my post Void Elves have near similar, Allegiences, Values, and as of now one leader to the high elves, their ethics may differ a bit but they still are stated to want to do noble things with their dangerous kind of magic
not for personal benefit, but for the Alliance

same this is all news to me

whats different culture wise besides allegiance to horde or alliance

are they a completely different species?

The difference between High Elves and Void Elves is one group thought they were too cool for Silvermoon’s rules and mucked around with Void magic. So not only are they arrogant, they’re stupidly arrogant.

On a more serious note, Void Elf culture is going to revolve around whether or not they adequately control themselves and eject Void Elves who go insane. This is a distinctly Void Elf problem that High Elves don’t have to deal with. They don’t have the same values.

If the people you’re politically entangled isn’t a pretty big indicator of what your values and ethics are, I don’t know what else is. You’re making biology way more important than it actually is when ideologies matter way, way more.


As I said void Elves have near identical personalities to the high elves if you read umbrics dialogue about their history and why they joined the Alliance

(Wrong edit)

Umbric’s dialogue also says a lot about control of their own sanity and resistance to the Old Gods.

Not exactly a problem most HIgh Elves have to deal with.

Different problems, different values.


fascinating. was just reading a wiki of blood elves. had no idea a faction of blood elves called the silver covenant stayed loyal to the alliance after quelthalas and the majority of the blood elves pledged allegiance to the horde. :face_with_monocle:

but then i dont really play alliance :smile:

The Silver Covenant are High Elves. They’re a group of the traditionalist Thalassians that thought taking magical energy from living creatures was reprehensible and didn’t allow their hunger to get the better of them-- even if it meant the difference between life or death.


Our opinion on the matter doesn’t mean a thing as the writers of the said story in game or in novels determine the who, what, when, and where.

What you or I think of the story is irrelevant until after it’s written. Like or not, that’s how stories are written-- Not with Player input.

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obligatory they arent a bad idea and they exist in game as BE (its only a name change check your lore and stop being in denial) post.


so high elves = blood evles for horde and silver covenant for alliance

altho after reading up on some lore the alliance elves are few in number :thinking:

The Void Elves are members of Umbric’s followers.

After the fall of Silvermoon, the overall Thalassian population was reduced to 10% of its original total. Of that 10%, an additional 10% stayed High Elves, the other 90% renamed themselves to Blood Elves.

So, I want to ask you this: How big of a following do you think Umbric had? Do you think his following was bigger or small than the High Elves? And if you think it was bigger, wouldn’t that mean Umbric’s group was over 10% of the blood elf population?

I know I threw out a lot of numbers. The Void Elves are playable, despite the fact there’s no way Umbric and his group made up such a huge portion of the standing Blood Elf population.

If small numbers isn’t a good enough reason not to make the Void Elves playable, then it’s not a good enough reason not to make the High Elves playable as well.


void elves seem like a cult that anyone that wants to become one can its just an irreversible process like demon hunters. replenishing their numbers is easy. where as the alliance blood elves are too few and are already mixing with humans. eventually the pure elves will die out and you would barely be able to tell the difference between an elf and a human hybrid. their days seem numbered unless they go back to quelthalas and join their brothers and sisters


Look at the Gnomes, Trolls, Tauren, and Night Elves.

Number Population at this point doesn’t matter.


Another of these threads?

Are people fearing high elves would be announced soon? Should I hope for it

Quel’dorei forever!


Again my thread doesn’t fit either topic this thread neither supports nor denies them being playable.

Obviously not happening, believe it or not Void Elf Fans do exist they don’t deserve to be shafted considering their race is playable at the moment.


There’s two huge topics on this subject already.


No problem for me. Where’s my sacrificial dagger?