Why haven't they timewalked all the dungeons

Pet peeve, why are we stuck with about half of all the dungeons for timewalking? Why not add all of them for variety? If you only have one toon this is somewhat fine because you generally will not repeat dungeons, anyone who has more then one will have to do these dungeons repeatedly without much variety.


They slowly add new ones to the game I think.

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Dev time.

Dev time they could have saved had they just aimed to maintain a level, max level range so that the stat weights aren’t all wack every “season”.

Blizzard STOP ADDING NEW LEVELS, the game is seasonal so look for other options.

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Not all the dungeons deserve to be timewalked, like I’d very much prefer they never add that sethrakk dungeon to the timewalking roster when BFA timewalking happens as it’s too easy to troll on last boss.

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Still waiting for BFA timewalking dungeons.

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I am sad that Hellfire Ramps TW isn’t a thing.


I agree except I hope we never see:

Black Morass (thankfully removed from TW)
Violet Hold (both Wrath and Legion)
The Occulus (should be deleted from the base game and never spoken of again)


Why would you hate VH especially considering it has a “free kill entire trash mobs” buttons everywhere?

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idk why every dungeon isn’t available either. I mean, it’s not like the tech isn’t already there. They’ve shuffled them around on occasion as well. I remember Arcatraz being in the rotation in the past but it’s not there anymore, as one example.

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Such as?

No lol… it should come back once a year for April Fool’s Day just for giggles. It should also have a less than 1% chance at some unique mount.


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I’m all for adding more dungeons for Timewalk or a new rotation!

It’s so boring entering the same dungeons over and over again, especially when you have alts… In the long run these dungeons are just annoying. In TBC I can’t stand Mana Tombs and Underbog.


I didn’t know you had an evil side! I love it!

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I wish you could queue for specific TW dungeons or at least blacklist one from each xpac


I just wish Timewalking would end at Pandaria. WoD+ is still new in my ancient eyes. Legion especially is the only time I really have to force myself to queue.

Add every dungeon from classic through MoP and the feature is perfect.

I second the OP’s pet peeve. Blizzard seems fine with clogging my hard drive up with over 100gb of content. That data is apparently necessary enough to be downloaded with the rest of the game, so make it relevant.

They haven’t done Maw of Souls, have they? I think that dungeon will never be part of timewalking because people liked it too much.

Soo…the shortest ones?

The way they add levels of us each expansion is effectively the same as if we were down-leveled. Our gear is useless, peons can murder us and we are expected to climb twice once for level and once for gear.

A more sustainable option for them would be to keep the max level fixed, lets say at 60 and then when the expansion drops everyone at 50 and above have their level set to 50 and their gear down-leveled. What happens with talents in this case is largely irellevant since they get redesigned either way each expansion or patch.

This way the devs will have much less reasons for needing to go back to old content and re-adjust it because something that worked perfectly fine at 60 now oneshots you at 70. It also makes it easier to dig up and re-introduce pasts instances since again they would overall need less tuning since all the stat weights are about the same from expansion to expansion.

Isn’t Sethek halls even shorter? And they were fine with that in the rotation