This is a whole lot of tears. Boomies are an issue mostly for you whiners who come in with less than 4k health in full pve gear expecting to take a fully geared pvp boomie with 12-13k health. See this wayyyt to often. Get some pvp gear and outrange their starfall and wait to go back in. If your melee most of you have stuns… use them it cancels starfall or cc them if you can which stops it as well. So many people complain about boomies but stand there like a deer in the headlights when boomie pops trinket, full cds and starfall then just stand in it and wonder why they die.
just curious…
what do you suggest people do when the boomie pops starfall and uses the burrow trinket and is untargetable while starfall is still going off?
Counter burrow, EZ.
They do listen, that’s the problem. If they didn’t, Shamans would still be awesome to play.
Even if it’s untargetable, you can still use a blanket fear or stun (i.e Psychic Scream, Shockwave, Howl)
Whenever boomies are incapacitated by anything, the Starfall stops. I know this, because I use Starfall liberally when I’m in Thousand Needles killing the elites and I’m gettin stunned and feared like crazy.
It’s in odd spell. If it’s a channel any interrupt should cancel it… if it not a channel then cc shouldn’t affect it.
It sits in a grey area.
Because after your 1.5 second starfire cast assuming you got a crit with starsurge. Your next cast is 3 seconds. You. must cast starsurge AND get a crit to reduce starfire by 1.5 seconds. If we are assuming a reroll fotm they wont have the zg set for the extra .5 sec off the cast time.
If we bait out the grounding and hit another starsurge and it gets the grounding totem we will only get .5 seconds off our next cast so it will still be a 2.5 second cast. If we bait out the grounding then use a moonfire to get the grounding, then a starsurge, then cast starfire. Assuming the starsurge crit, you’re looking at 5.5 seconds and if you can’t close the distance to interrupt or out range them it is really a skill issue. In SOD 5.5 seconds an eternity.