Why haven't Balance Druids, or ANY tank specs been nerfed in PVP yet? WHY DONT YOU LISTEN

I can take Starfire off my bar and I’ll still melt entire teams

Why is it always orc warriors crying about every thing

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You are sitting here crying about boomkins as an ele sham… You are trying to call me an idiot when I am merely stating tools you have in your arsenal to help counter a druid. But you can’t figure any of that out cause you suck…

Assuming GT isn’t on CD is implying you used it the second you saw the boomkin… Which is a mistake on your part. yeah a druid can bait out a gt but that buys you time to get closer it gives your wolves time to get in and stun. It doesn’t take you very long to close the gap when you have freedom and a 15 second 60% sprint.

All you BUM shamans that cry about the 10 yard range when you have wolves just SUCK at the game. The only thing I hate about shamans is how tanky they are and the fact I have a reduced chance to crit them. Idc about anything else. But you crying pretending you have no ability to fight a boomkin just shows are GARBAGE you are at PvP.

Sure ya can bud.

honestly just get 2 moonkin to use starfall from the back in the initial bs fight and win nearly every time?


really though i havent pvped much since rank 14 but they had nerfed boomkin before that and diddnt really have a huge problem with them since.

there are def ways to counter moonkin now and they are no longer able to tank huge amounts of damage while nuking your face off so bleh.

alls good now with them as far as im concerned .

for now.

heh look at this bum just crying and not being able to put down a grounding totem or hit that earth shock like I hit the blicky with my boy Bertkinx on my dads yacht while in the cape of Santorini drinking our sangria. these bum shamans just live to cry when theyre not immortal while s keying. typical dad bum shaman behavior.

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its visible by the comments that SoD pvp now is all about Moonkins and Shamans… so lame

SoD is about Orcs being sad. I’m feeling this vibe, people who roll orcs have a lot of sand in their britches.

Is this Male NE trying to diss Orcs? LOL I really can’t tell.

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The fact a dude parsing under the 10% percentile is getting solo kills in BGs screams how broken shaman are.

Mouth breathing back peddlers thinking it’s because they are good in PvP, and not their class

Turns out whooping pve scrubs like you with HWL handout titles ain’t all that hard.

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Bro you click your buttons worse on scripted pve fights than 90% of people that play your spec. No whooping going on at all

The fact that you have to look up people’s parses to joke on them is beyond cringe.

You know what I find cringe people that have 20 buffs to clear a raid maybe 30mins faster. lol. Oh, noes a boss dies a little faster. “lets be proud of ourselves guys!”.

Musings while in AB:

What if they reduced the range of Starfall to be only 8yrds; down from 30yrds (so the same range as Consecration).

And then changed the Idol, which cuts Starfall’s radius by 50%, to make it a Single Target attack that has increased rates at which the stars fall.

If someone is grey parsing every boss. They are terrible players in general. Like keyboard turning, clickers.

These people thinking it’s them and not their class in PvP is the cringe part.

I mean you could always catch me in game and find out.

Point and case

grounding simply grounds 1 starfall star you braindead hunter main


But I’m worse than 90% of shaman players and I click spells straight from my spell book while keyboard turning.

Surely a pink parser like yourself can handle even an op shaman piloted by someone so terrible at the game as I am.

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You dont type cast them like these pro’s?

I’m glad you finally admit it