Why hasn't Hellfire Citadel been nerfed yet?

Why hasn’t Hellfire Citadel been nerfed yet? It’s still impossible for some classes to solo and it came out 2 expansions ago. I want to do transmog runs but I literally can’t.


They haven’t fixed the scaling for the same reason that they made legacy loot only apply to content that’s 11+ levels below you instead of the 10+ they originally announced: they don’t care about soloing old raids anymore.


I dunno, how come Spine of Deathwing hasn’t been nerfed, and still isn’t soloable unless you have a brain?

The gauntlet on HFC mythic can be brutal on lower mobility Melee.


You do realize this is an actual problem right? Even with everything you can do, bear tartare, Runeblade of Baron Rivendare and a cut path some classes still can’t complete the first area. How about try it yourself before crapping on people? Oh wait, you would complete it because you’re playing a shaman, a mobile class.


They’re buffing old content in general.

Can’t a rogue throw a knife or something like that?

It’s not that easy. Even as a monk, one with extreme mobility, soloing normal/heroic can be challenging. On a less mobile class it can be impossible.

The mobs just eventually start overwhelming you. Mythic is straight unsoloable for everyone. It’s just one of those fights that needs to be nerfed.


mythic they just keep coming… i cant kill them all and lug around the ammo… since you know warlocks are famed for their mobility.

I think a druid might be able to do it using travel form. If you’re trying to get a friend to help, pick a druid friend.

I’ve just permanently crossed this one off my list until they nerf it. I’ve done it in a group but we all got the cheeve and the mount so convincing a group to go back for mog runs is a non-starter.

I was able to solo it at 110 by microing voidwalker at the other cannon, should still be doable.