Why has there been Zero WoW movies on Netflix?

World of Warcraft works as an animated / cartoon series or movie than say liveaction movie or tv show.

Given Netflix’s record of destroying IPs, be thankful there are none.


Don’t compare Aizen to Zovaal, Aizen had any amount of sauce.

Be happy about that.
The Netflix Touch is like the opposite of the Midas Touch.

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It wasn’t completely terrible, but it was definitely not good.

The casting was way off for the majority of characters, and the woman who played Garona is not a good actress. Seen some of her other things, and she’s just as out of place and wooden in those.

The orc stuff was great, but the human stuff felt weird and tacked on.

Because they often pick games that have little to no story (at time of adaptation) or they completely ignore everything/most of everything about the game and try to fit it into some generic genre of movie.

Though, new ones tend to be bad with critics and critics haven’t been overly relevant since the internet reached personal homes wide spread. Video game movies have made strides and while Warcraft isn’t near the top, it isn’t a that bad of a video game movie. There are plenty beneath it.

i enjoyed it…but…
the wow movie it took them a decade
to arrange didn’t do so well…
wrong actors/wrong story…and
that stigma is still lingering…imho.

If its quality would be on par with Castlevania s1, I’d be all for it. Anything remotely near Castlevania s2 quality and I’d rather they not even bother.

The wow movie was fine taken as a stand alone thing. I didn’t expect anything great and I saw an orc throw a horse. My bar was low and they met it. I walked away feeling like it was what I expected. A way to kill just over an hour with some familiarity.

I think a lot of things are moving towards series instead of movies. The issue with a movie is trying to pack so much lore and exposition into the short run time. They had to change things so people not familiar with Warcraft wouldn’t be completely lost. But that results in changing things that upset the fans who are familiar with it. I think it’s a lose-lose situation.

That and the pacing of the movie was frantic. So much happened it would be hard to follow. And there is so much lost on audiences not familiar with the lore. Like they had to change the relationship between Ogrim and Duratan because it would be too much exposition to explain their unlikely friendship. We lost all the nuance of clan dynamics. We lost the nuance of the slow fall of the Orcs to Kil’Jaeden’s influence.

That kind of storytelling would really work better with a series. And I think it could be an option. After the success of Arcane and Fallout, I think we’re going to see a lot more video game series in our future.

WoW just isn’t as popular as you probably think.

Massive retcons to dumb what was already a simple enough plot down for general audiences?

Explain this then

Movie made 1.36 billion

And then the Warcraft movie itself made money. That was considered the successful video game movie until sonic movie came out

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Re-read my post before making dumb comments like this.

Quality=/=How much money a movie made.

You claimed video game movies tend to be bad.

So let’s list some of the modern movies the last decade:

Warcraft movie 2016: 160 million budget and made 439 million at the box

Resident evil the final chapter 2017: 40 million budget made 312 million

Rampage 2018: 140 million budget made 428 million

Pokemon detective Pikachu 2019: 150 million budget 433 million made at the box

Sonic the hedgehog 1 2020: 90 million budget 320 million at the box

Sonic the hedgehog 2 2022: 110 million budget 405 million at the office

And then the Mario movie I already explained

Only bad movies was mortal combat 2021 and hitman 2015 movie. Which you claimed just because two were bad = all were bad

Overall all those movies the last decade made profits

they shoot for 3x minimum in the industry, these days…
which might change your evaluations.

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