Healers are a very rare commodity anymore and I’ve seen nerfs to healing happen frequently this xpac. Why has healing been nerfed super hard, tank self sustain is buffed, and healers are getting buffs to damage and not their healing? It legitimately baffles me and has caused more than a few healer mains to stop playing heals.
Happens every expac. When healing is difficult, “healer mains” tend to be in short supply. Once folks get geared up/know encounters, suddenly “healer mains” come out of the woodwork looking for fast queues/carries.
Bliz doesn’t get healers lol.
They build the game around tanks and tune around DPS FOMO metas.
(Instead of what people want to play, or healers) (without meta builds)
probably the same lame logic they used to trash potions with that 5 minute CD thing a long while back, lol.
Just remove tanks and healers and let DPS do it all. lol. I mean, it seems like we’re heading that direction anyway half the time.
Healers did need the dps buffs tho. One doesn’t preclude the other. Just because blizz tossed us a small bone doesn’t mean that small bone wasn’t desperately needed calcium in our diet.
It’s not just difficult though. It’s literally gotten two seperate 40% nerfs to healing output. It’s almost impossible to actually sustain groups at times because of the amount of AoE damage that happens while pug groups are quite frankly stupid as hell. They have so little potential to actually sustain a group through damage at times.
The game got so casual and fun that they need to have something left for Ion and his hardcore agenda. Healers serve that purpose
the better question is why wasn’t dps healing nerfed into the ground
Blizzard changed the healer model to basically be “healers always have to be healing” because people whined about being asked to do DPS in the downtime.
Now Healers get no downtime because “keeping everyone alive” went from being the skill floor to the skill ceiling and predictably this makes life for anyone who is not extremely good at healing very difficult.
Hybrid healing is actually getting buffed if you can believe that.
I can’t remember who I saw explain it well, but it was like Reloe or Zaelia or someone a few days ago.
The way the talent trees function made healers turbo powerful in raid and large AOE healing. So then they did the HP/DMG buffs to compensate for that, and it worked out fine for raid.
The issue is that now we have 600k health pools and our ‘big single target’ heals hit like a wet noodle. So you hit someone with say an hPal WOG and it heals them from 100k to 220k but on a 600k health pool that feels awful.
This is compounded by extremely bursty damage in some of the dungeons that requires perfect play from everyone in the group at the same time to make the heal checks passable. E.G. first boss BH. The bleed there is as much on the DPS to do something to survive as it is the healer, but in pug groups we all know who gets blamed for people dying to it most often.
It all just adds up to healing in dungeons feeling miserable, so a lot of healers not wanting to do it this season.
I usually liked healing. Been doing it a long time just for the simple fact I dont have hours on end to sit behind the computer and play a game so it was an easy queue to get geared up and runs in. Recently I have started playing DPS as I just got bored with healing. DPS on my druid is meh so I wnet back to the huntard.
Catering to the 0.01% of the players as per usual.
this is the result.
we get shafted, hunters are pretty much griefing in high keys due to how hard it is to heal them and how little defensives they have.
It really does. The 2 M+ bosses with hard bleeds, the frequent huge AOE damage bursts from bosses/trash, and the constant movement requirements really has made healing feel horrible.
But I guess the no-dps healer crowd is happy…they dont have to worry about DPS when they avoid dungeons because of how horrible they have made things
At the end of the day, in an infinite scaling system there are basically 3 ways to reach the soft cap on what is possible.
Tanks survivability
Any infinite scaling system will reach this point.
The question really is, should Blizzards tuning (remember they are tuning for literally 1000% increased damage/healing from low to high keys) always err on the side of making dps the most limiting factor? Maybe so it’s less of a single failure point? Maybe because pull strategy can be used to raise dps?
People clearly don’t like it when tank survivability (SL season 1) or now healing throughout play any significant role in keys. And it is a key (infinite scaling) issue, nobody is complaining about raid healing at all.
I’d say group survivability should also be a fourth way. Unavoidable damage mechanics can reach a point where non-tank players start getting one shot.
Sounds like a great idea. Someone also mentioned an idea of mechanics that lower individual DPS instead of killing you.
Although what will probably happen is tanks/healers will be under even more pressure to DPS.
I think so personally.
If dps is the limiting factor, in most cases you can still finish a key even if you don’t time it. That can still be a fun experience with a reward at the end and a better feeling of being able to improve. (I know sometimes dps being the limit can still mean you can’t get past a tyrannical boss, but feel that is less the norm)
Hitting a wall with healing or tanking where you simply can’t finish just leaves everyone feeling frustrated and that they wasted their time, and pointing fingers at eachother.
Healing wasn’t nerfed, Blizz added 25% health to bosses.
Healing is boring. Its not about nerfs.
Its boring
It draws negative attention from the spoiled people who always blame the healers for them dying.
No one wants to put up with that crap.