Why greater drums? just add tinnitus

This right here. You can’t play the authenticity retention card while you have paid boosts and an upcoming promotional/paid monetary mount incoming. It literally reads like parody when you seriously try and say you want to retain authenticity while simultaneously crapping all over it with paids boosts and mounts. It’s one or the other lads.

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Okay, but you changed it to be worse which means its even more mandatory. I already scrapped my plans to play since only having one profession slot I can choose is hugely boring.

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Thank you for the clarification on the intention.

I will say that, I don’t think the concern was ever “we don’t want to have to stack drums”… in fact, it never really was. The concern is that now every player has to lose one profession slot just to be able to do a raid that was TUNED for using drums. This feels awful and I highly doubt was the original intention of the creators in TBC (purely because its just feels terrible).

If you want to keep the tuning, and keep the drums as part of the process, make the greater ones usable by non-LWers. This will still make LWers a very sought after profession (due to its money generating ability) and used early on due to how people will absolutely min/max some parts to death while others will be fine without.

TL;DR: Keeping the tuning to use drums is fine, but to deal with the issue of everyone going LWing, make greater drums no require LWing to use.

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Sure, they were a part of it, guilds started to require their players to swap from other profs to leatherworking just for Drums because they are strictly better than any other profession perks by a large margin once you get into tier 6 content.

Don’t tell people that you want to fix the fact that leatherworking was a requirement in your starting press release, then later say “just kidding, that’s just how it was back then.”

There are ways to fix drums of battle to not require 25 leatherworkers to min/max without needing to retune Sunwell plateau.

The frustration here is that you got the player base excited that their professions will be more of a choice this time, and now are staying that you have no real intention to do that.


So basically, you STILL don’t get what the actual problem is. The solution doesn’t fix the issue: Drums will be “mandatory” for people because of the buff, and trickle down to even the casual guilds. You only need to look at the cancer that is world buffs in Classic to see that this will 100% happen, when it is not authentic to what happened back in the day.

Having a version of the drums with a shorter range, even if it’s “authentic”, changes nothing but now ALSO requires coordination to stack up for the buff in addition to having most/all LW to keep the buff going. And you will STILL see guilds mandate LW for drums, and even the guilds that don’t will see/hear everyone parroting how you “need” drums, and feel compelled to do the same. This 100% happened with world buffs, and even casual guilds started to focus on getting them because of peer pressure.

With all due respect I honestly do not understand why this is such a hard concept to grasp. It’s like the team isn’t even acknowledging that the problem is a problem and going off in a completely different direction, completely misunderstanding what prompted the “change drums” suggestion in the first place.

Mind boggling.


Out of all the possible solutions to make less people feel required to get leatherworking (Sated, making drums raid wide instead of party wide, just plain deleting drums, etc.), Blizzard actually chose the solution that makes it more mandatory and less of an option to drop the profession (should you get the pattern drop).

Absolutely fricking amazing work, Blizzard.


Amazing that they are going to force people out of TBC just as classic. I for one have decided that I’ll no longer be playing at all because of this. I’m not going to be pigeonholed into doing LWing yet again to maintain that buff JUST to get into sunwell raiding. Because that is what will be required by any of the guilds that go.
They preach this preservation of the old standard yet are already adding a pay shop to maximize profits. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t opposed until they absolutely REFUSE to fix what players want. The prove time and time again that the player base means nothing to them. When is everyone going to wise up.


You would figure with retail dropping at an exponential rate that blizzard would wise up… guess not. I’m sure as hell not going to play inferior dog#$%^ retail if they mess up tbc classic. I’ll just play FF14 again. “Just play retail lol?” Nah… passing up retail is one of the easiest life choices known to man.

I’m guessing playing all those drums in TBC is what made blizzard extremely tone deaf.


Come on. Don’t be dense. A vast majority of the player base does not want the authentic TBC experience. You thought this way with classic and were wrong. You lsot so many players to not making appropriate changes. They want the absolute best version of TBC possible. Your solution fro drums is not practical and changes nothing about the drum meta.

Many of the changes suggested by the community about drums would not drastically reduce the value of leather working. It’s really quite simple.

Make it so drums can be used by anyone in the raid, but only have 10 charges.

Many classes will still want to be leather workers for making sweet gold from selling drums. Shaman and hunters will still want to be leather workers for specific gear.

YOUR solution to nerf drums to 8 yard range does nothing. Every single guild, expect the most casual of guilds will require people in the raid to be leather workers!

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Add prenerf bosses citing players are much better now but not good enough to do it without needing 15% haste all fight? Make up your mind… Did you even test to see if the Sunwell bosses are possible without it?

If you’re seriously asking…the tinnitus results from the loud banging of the drums. The discomfort in your ears is a reminder to yourself to not use the drums again until it goes away. Its like burning your hand after touching a hot stove, the pain in your hand is a reminder not to touch the stove.

You will kill the boss with or without the drums.

If your RL/GL makes you take LW it’s completely on them.

Can we stop this argument? Its ridiculous.

Again. You will kill the bosses WITH OR WITHOUT drums.


Tinnitus pls.


That’s not the point. We all already know that. The point is in order to kill the boss, you have to be in the raid, and in order to be in the raid, you have to be a leatherworker with drums.

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Talking about authenticity as your argument to keep drums, but adding paid boosts and possibly a store mount to the game directly conflicts with your logic here. At least try to be consistent.

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Already answered that.

Its a YOU problem more than a Blizz problem.

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And as keeps being said, since the people problem can’t be fixed, Blizzard HAS to fix it since people cannot be trusted to fix it themselves. Again, we saw this with the toxic cancer that is world buffs in Classic. It has a trickle down effect from the “top” that infects the rest of the game. If people were more apt to say “no this is stupid” and not do it, it would not be an issue. However, they have shown time and time again that is not what happens, and people parrot the “top” like lemmings as the only way to do everything.


This feels like Blizzard is introducing a problem to solve it later.


We need to collectively start taking responsibility for our actions and stop asking companies to fix things that will then be exploited in another way?

Want to stop bots: Stop buying gold from them.
Want to stop the silly world buff meta: Just don’t do it. You will be fine.

If people’s self-worth is tied to a location on a tabulated chart of how well and timed you pushed a button, then there are far bigger things to worry about in one’s life.

People can change. When they want to.

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I really would like to know who this fix was aimed at pleasing

If you dislike the drums meta, it doesn’t fix it
If you like the drums meta, it actively made it worse
If you are #nochanges, there is still a change

So it’s shat on all sides. Was this the goal? This isn’t trolling, I want to know lol