Why Going Back to Abundant Loot is The Only Answer

  • Give increased anima that scales with the level of your keystone
  • Increase the ilvl of the drops from +10 and higher keystones (+10: 207, +11-12: 210, +13-14: 213, +15: 216)
  • Add a currency system to protect against bad luck
  • Do NOT increase the number of drops

Small nitpick: putting “only answer” in your title in then immediantly saying “my opinion” kinda contrasts. Do you genuinely believe it’s the only answer or is it just your opinion on it?

Honestly haven’t had the chance to read the thread as it is massive, but +1 for this statement alone.
It might encourage you to know that whilst there is no real intention of improving drop rates at the moment, we have heard from Blizzard that they are looking it to making it feel more satisfying for players even when they don’t get loot.
Whilst we don’t know what that entails it opens up to potential positive changes, I think most of us are hopeful for a currency based system like badges.

It has been that way. But I’m reserving judgment based on the changes they have made so far. We will see.

I think they should add titanforging on solo content stuff.

Its my opinion. Whether it is increasing the drop rate, or badges. Somethings got to give.

Did you get a “A+” from Blizzard for your story?

Alot of truth there.

Oddly enough both my Main (who is 210 atm), and my alt (that just hit 203) are wearing 177 shoes. Now i COULD upgrade those with anima, but in both cases the stats are trash so i’ve been trying to replace them instead. And trying, and trying, and trying. I have cleared TOP so many times. It’s insane.

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One interesting side effect of putting badges in heroics may be an increase in overall quality of M+ pugs up to around +10/+12. A lot of the players who don’t care for M+ and are only there for the loot would likely be more inclined to grind heroics. It might also mean that getting groups for lower keys started could take longer, but that seems like an ok tradeoff if those who get invited are more likely to enjoy M+ and be on top of pulls, affixes, etc.

That sounds pretty frustrating, almost like Vanilla drop rates where you could kill Baron or Drakkisath for weeks and never see your T0 pants or helm drop, except in SL past a certain ilvl you can’t even reliably target specific items. At least with the Vanilla way it was a single layer of RNG, and you knew as long as you kept farming X boss your thing would eventually drop, and there were always other equally targetable items that weren’t quite as good that you could also try for in the meantime.

Yeap, now it’s RNG on RNG, at best 40% chance of getting loot at all, then 5 bosses worth of loot to sort thru, at best a 5-10% chance. So in any given run, you have a ~2% chance of getting the item you want. These aren’t freaking mounts Blizzard.


Blizzard did create this rabid casino lottery loot drop craze. Just cutting everyone off will bite them in the behind. People are too used to being flooded with rewards now, even if they are bad.

Just think, next tier when all these people praising the reduced rates have to farm these items AGAIN, and aren’t so lucky this time, will they still be singing the same tune i wonder.

I agree with Robustaroma, we need more loot. I cannot even think of gear up my alts (classes that I would like to try, because they look fun) because I cannot gear up my main fast enough; I feel like I am getting tired of it.

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I cant run a 5 key this week cuz ive gotten little to no loot in 3 and 4 keys…

for 2 weeks, and i run at least 2 mythics a day

(delete my last post, to post on my main)

Why are people so against an abundance of loot anyways? How does it affect you in any way of other people are getting loot? If it bothers you so much, just delete 80% of the items you get from loot drops and you can still be satisfied.

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Why in the world loot had to be changed is beyond me. We had a system, it had a few glitches, but for the most part it worked and folks were generally happy.

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