Why Gnomes

I love kicking a football at a Gnome. They go all crazy and do a full flip.


I still prefer that quest in BfA where you used a Dark Iron golem and went on a killing spree burning goblins to death. The best were when you saw a goblin skeleton running away. lol Goblins have the best deaths. They are just so over the top. Especially the females. lol


points at a cooking pot, then points at a gnome
I am Brute.
smiles and adds some meat to the pot


Wow! I’m seeing a lot of violent thoughts towards Gnomes! That’s not good! Us Gnomes are really great!

Gee, it would be awfully unfortunate if you were to come towards me in an aggressive manner! You may find it hard to kick much of anything when you’re a sheep!

Potentially forever.


The lizard gets it, just saying.

Can you imagine how they’d treat us if we weren’t the nicest, most helpful race in Azeroth?

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one day, gnomergan will rise and the gnome will fight back after all these years

High Elves were initially planned for the Alliance, way back in vanilla, but Blizzard changed their mind at the last minute, and gave Alliance gnomes instead. Sadly, the reason we exist is to serve as a filler race for a more popular race that Blizz wanted to hold off on at the time. :frowning:

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Gnomes are genetically constructed to become assassins. They’re in peak physical condition. They can gain entry to the most secure places in the world. And, most important of all, gnomes don’t think for themselves. They do as they’re told.

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SAG lied to you so that you can control the movement of the device to kill all of the crazy Gnomes. Those Gnomes have gone wild.

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Agreed, it’s time for Gnomanity to rise up and take over Azeroth because you overgrown mutations can’t be trusted.

I got wild on standby for cloning.
Tho wild keeps letting his clones out for a naked dance party

You abominations will be put down, just saying.

Please play :arrow_down: while reading.

**CLASSIFIED!** For Gnomish eyes only!

To all my fellow Gnomes, you are extraordinary! :robot: :gear: :gun: :nut_and_bolt: :hammer: :wrench: :flashlight: :clamp: :hammer_and_wrench: :toolbox:


Yeah, the female goblin death animation is the best. Ties in nicely with the fact that all goblins must die.

P.S. I note a number of people in this thread are cruisin’ for a SAVAGE ankle-bitin’.


Wow! Some Goblins are okay!

Only some, though.


I think the only reason Blood Elves exist is so crack addicts can have somebody that they can relate to

That gun is a wee too big for you, methinks. Now, get into the Arcane cage so you can be delivered to a better place.