Why Garona isn't in the spot light for the next expansion?

By now everyone knows that the great wizard Khadgar will either be missing or presumably dead.

So, Alleria will be taking revenge for him, as she had a deep connection with him in dreanor.
But Garona had more connection with him in the start of Khadgar journey to become a great mage.

Also, it’s high time blizzard makes half-orc allied race that looks more like the githyanki in D&D and give her the due spot light.


Garona is an Orc not named Grom, Garrosh, Saurfang or Thrall.

She doesn’t matter.


We technically have a male half-draenei half-orc as well as seen in the Draenei heritage quest.

I 2nd the allied race, don’t care whose in the spotlight to be honest though.

I want to see more of that shaman from bfa the one that was with Saurfang in the end.


Hahahaha But holy cow if thats not true. Blizzard has left some big names in the past.

Cant think of the mages name that saved janna from the mana bomb and was in the “war of the ancients” but he had kids with the the youngest windrunner sister and just now are we starting to see the Half elves in the game and just not starting to get customized ears for the part on humans.

Oh and to top it off, Garona was messing around with Medivh. Lets go with the human/orc/draenei and that crazy blood line!

Bring in Med’an!

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well I guess I do now… should probably not just put major spoilers in the first sentence.

Anyway, Garona probably isn’t being used much because she’s kinda a weird character.

First she was half human half orc, then retconned to half draenei half orc, then you start to think about how she was made and that makes current blizzard uncomfortable, and she brings up some medivh questions they don’t seem to keen to answer.

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Alleria is in the spotlight because she is Khadgar’s friend and also someone who is deeply connected to the Void, the main villain of TWW.

Garona is just Khadgar’s friend. She has absolutely nothing to do with the Void.

Not really that difficult to understand.

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Funny enough, why isn’t Valeera ever involved when Anduin gets kidnapped? :robot::thought_balloon:


Garona had her desk lamp light in Warlords of Draenor.

She, just like Me’dan are… well… not really important outside books. It’s why they axed Me’dan completely. Garona at least appeared in WOTLK in Ulduar in one of Yogg-Saron’s vision things, CATA in the Twilight Highlands, and in WOD as a follower. Being honest she’s lucky to have appeared so much.


They didn’t axe him because he wasn’t important. They axed him because he was a god awful character who everyone hated.


She was busy helping the horde.

In bfa she even chooses to aid the horde over the Alliance and is a horde quest giver.

So, what are you saying? That orcish society is highly patriarchal?!?

Everytime I see this picture, it reminds me how far the Horde have fallen :frowning:

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wasn’t her connection more to Medivh than Khadgar?

Because she is not an elf.

Are you paying attention that only elves and humans matter to the current devs?

what? no, what the hell, a half-orc that look gith? lol

Half-orcs just look like orcs. Also an entire race that’s mostly based on orcs abusing Draenei captives is kind of not great.

Garona isn’t Alliance.

Of course she isnt in the spot light.

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For the same reason that Aysa and Ji were MIA in the diplomatic expansion we just went through despite foreign relations and diplomacy being their jobs.