Why Frost DK get BUFF again in 11.05, and warrior get nerfs again ? FDK already dominated M+ and raiding!

Why Frost DK get BUFF again in 11.05, and warrior get nerfs again ? FDK already dominated M+ and raiding!

How come Blizzard guys really care about this game? FDK already dominated the whole M+! Please check the wow wcl the 1st, 5th, 7th Bosses fight FDK are the MVP.

How come Blizzard is still buff FDK in the 11.05 about 10% single target dps and keep nerfs Fury and Arms.

open your eyes plz Blizzard!


Is it possible they want Warriors to spec Protection? Tank shortage and all that?


Doubt it. If they cared about the tank shortage they wouldn’t have nerfed them.


Because they are bad at balancing and don’t understand their own specs.


warcraftlogs com/zone/statistics/38/#metric=bossdps

because frost st is poor, fury could stand to get buffed as well tho

also no they dont balance around m+ so dont whine

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there are MULTIPLE places you can check of how wrong u are… wowhead, class discord, warcraft logs ALL show that they buffed frost DK AND they frost DK is ahead of a lot of dps classes.


Dks have a tank spec too

Warrior getting capped on AoE to 5 with thunderous roar & odyn’s fury is insane if Arcane & Frost are getting MORE buffs while being A - S tier already. Helen keller could see this better than the devs. Arms crying in non-existance


You think Poison Cleansing Totem was nerfed because of the raid…?


Frost DK did need a slight single target buff…but fury needs one more. The thing is, they also buffed frost dk aoe at the same time when it already dominates. It’s like whoever is in charge of warrior actively hates fury and wants it to be trash. I’m also pretty sure they forgot Arms even exists this expansion so it keeps catching strays because they keep nerfing slayer because of fury being good at one thing for half a second.

Honestly, I’m surprised prot didn’t get gutted for being “too tanky” because a lot of people keep parroting the same line…maybe it snuck in because prot paladin is about to steal every other tank’s lunch money.


click the link, thats pure boss damage. frost dk is behind in pure boss damage. the buffs it go was st buffs

im not saying “warrior doesnt deserve a buff” i quite literally said that fury needs one as well in pure st

man who cares about healers

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UM Frost DKS are throwing a fitt saying they got nerf not buff

i main warrior frost dks and arcane mages got a last minute huge nerf lol unfortunately our warrior nerfs went though and they shouldnt have

Errrrr, everybody???

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Maybe Warrior DPS isn’t supposed to be meta this patch, it was a accident or something?

If so, they’ll nerf it to the ground and buff the already strong specs to define the meta that they planned.

Maybe, but Prot Pally’s cant hold Agro for the life of them. Prot Pally can take a ton of damage but their Threat Generation is horrible. Prot Warriors are God Tier right now. They can take tons of Gigadamage and can pump some serious Threat Generation to boot. Guardian Druids…well, who cares theyre Bears. Blood DK was getting there but, well, Frost DK is gonna kill the Blood DK.

What a joke! There is no 5 aoe limits for BDK. And there is no one wanna dps warrior in the M +. and also they keep nerfing arms! As a single target spec, everyone can over dps arms now in the m3 . And bdk have way better survival abilities than arms. It is totally unfair.