Why Flynn?

She’s not the same. Technically Alliance players have been questing with her since MOP.


Wow people are cherrypicking aren’t they. Not even mentioning how Alliance players quest with Voss and Gazlowe.

Alliance and Horde have been at peace and cooperating for like 5 in-universe years at this point. Get used to working with opposite faction NPC’s.


Alliance objectively gets more characters and content this expansion.

Alliance players quested with him since Vanilla.


Wait Flynn and Shaw are WHAT!?!?

“Roommates”, history will say.


Why not? Flynn is great!

I thought everyone met him in BfA. I could be wrong. But he was also in a novel. Which Blizz expects us to read all of those now. :upside_down_face:


There was a single line in BFA that they may think about pursuing something. No indication if they did or not. It’s basically whatever you want to imagine.

I don’t recall ever questing with Gazlowe in vanilla?

Must have been very minor and forgettable quests.

That or all the changing of models and VA made me forget who he even was.

Oh no it’s super canon at this point. In a book and also in a Trading Post interaction, and I think Flynn even references it in the course of this questline.


Yeah. I don’t know or care about Gazlowe either. lol

I also don’t remember questing with Voss as Alliance, 'cept for bumping into her during Scholomance (revamped).

Ah, must be one of the books I haven’t gotten to yet. I mean, I personally don’t care if they do or don’t, I was only going by what I saw in-game so far.

You’re taking the game too seriously.


What is the quote?

“my bottom is hurting today”

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You team up with her in this expansion. And Gazlowe. Not at the same time.

Yeah, in this expansion. But it was implied that Alliance quested with Voss in the past, which I don’t remember doing.

My point was, someone was complaining about having to quest with Flynn as Horde. Well, Alliance get to quest with both Gazlowe and Voss.

Mop scarlet dungeons.

Gazlowe shows up more often than Flynn does in the zone.


Alliance npc up more than Horde ones in general.

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