I’ve never forgiven the dev team for this. They teased this so much that not only was there a quest between Thalyssra and Ly’leth called Friends with Benefits , the nightborne ladies have a flirt line asking if Tyrande is single. Then she gets Mayla’d. I don’t know what it is about horde writing that invites so many monkey paws, but the moment any of the women are dating dudes, their narrative is over and dead. Any chance of that not being the case is a fluke in regards to Aggra and the orc heritage questline.
I know this was the running cope and somewhat still is for some folks. I don’t know Lor’themar writing that well to know anything about his writing with Halduron, but he was a similarly missed opportunity.
Yeah except I’m looking at Thrall feature in this expansion for the small parts he has as a mentor when Aggra could have been there instead with stronger connections to both the earthen ring and orcish shamanism.
Yes, it can be true that the horde stories as a whole get shafted often, but the female characters with dudes are a mess and often subjugated to the lore void for their counterpart’s favor.
Other than the wedding cameo, Talanji’s last known lore dumps involved blizzard wanting to pair Zekhan with her at the same time they dropped the lore tidbit that she was barely 18 when bfa happened. This isn’t to say Shadows Rising was a bad book (it wasn’t), it did a lot of good where the author was allowed the freedom to do so, especially in giving more writing for Talanji. A little crazy the higher ups not once, twice, but three times pushed some kind of romance onto newly inducted female horde leaders. So when I say both things can be true, I mean it.
Rokhan, by the way, got his own armor model finally, and featured both briefly in dragonflight twice and in the troll heritage questline. Needless to say that’s a lot sooner than four years ago and change if you’re counting from the last time Talanji was last ingame relevant.
You don’t get to excuse the mountain of lore that Talanji has compared to Rokhan because someone, somewhere wanted to pair her with a character blizzard hasn’t used in years and isn’t going to do it.
Why don’t you do yourself a favor and read the whole post instead of nitpicking for some baby fight over lore, because I’m not doing this with you anymore than anyone else that tries to do this stupid dance.
I got plenty of humor. If that’s a reference to something, then I’m not recognizing it.
I don’t tend to like movies/shows/etc that are comedy for the sake of comedy. I’ve always found that the best humor is unintentional or impromptu humor that just organically happens.
When people try to be funny, and prepare ahead of time to try to be funny, it’s rarely funny. It’s more cringe/eyeroll/etc instead.