Why FFXIV is now the #1 MMORPG on the market

I am going to get a lot of hate for this thread but I am going to post it anyway because a lot of people on these forums seem to think this is another one of those “wow killer year” whenever a new MMORPG launches. FFXIV is seeing an influx of players and it is not because they released a new patch or new content. In fact, there hasn’t been any new content for months now. The game is basically in the last patch before their next expansion.

I started WoW in Vanilla. I’ve made tons of memories in this game over the past 15+ years. I made many friends over the years and still log into TBC Classic because I have friends that play the game. I gave Shadowlands a fair shot. If I could say some positive things about Blizzard, it would be their art team and music is always top notch. The Shadowland zones were fantastic aside from The Maw. The raids are always great and so Castle Nathria was fantastic. Although the main story has been pretty terrible since BfA, some of the newer characters were great like Denathrius.

Now I realized quickly Shadowlands was a lot of promises but deep down under the fancy covers of a new expansion, it’s still a game with the awful BfA-style systems. I had tried other MMORPGs on the market like GW2, Runescape, Tera, and even BDO but all of them were lacking something WoW had. Runescape questing and professions were nice. GW2 did mounts better than WoW. I also gave FFXIV during MoP or WoD and I didn’t play past the trial because WoW was fine but the content droughts were getting to a lot of players.

I decided to give FFXIV another try few months ago and I actually understand why a lot of players have swapped over or are swapping over. One of the primary criticisms modern WoW gets is that it doesn’t respect your time, and it’s obvious that it doesn’t. It’s a game that forces you to log in so you don’t fall behind. The biggest problem with the game is its current development philosophy, meaning the current Devs and the ones making the decisions about the “core systems” in this game. If they made a quality product, they wouldn’t need to force players to log in to their endless chores. I mean Torghast looked so promising but there is a reason why people call it “Choreghast”. Ion and his team have been trying to implement their “core systems” since 2016 but they have yet to work. These core systems are basically the same systems we had in Legion but renamed over the years. We’re in 2021–some 5 years later just to give you guys some perspective.

Artifact power became Azerite and now Anima. Then we have these other terrible systems like Renown, Stygia, Conduits, Covenant Powers, etc. They can’t even balance the game properly yet they’ve flooded the game with these awful systems. What happened to making the game fun without these complicated systems? There is a good reason why TBC and Classic are so popular even if they are 15 year old versions of the modern game. It’s because they have simple systems that work.

Yes, we had these WoW-killer posts on the forums back then but the difference was these “core systems” were brand new to the game. They were massively disliked by majority of the community but people like me waited and gave them the benefit of the doubt. They failed us over these past 5 years and it’s just got a point where we’ve lost hope.

Then there is the question of quality. Legion was launched in its alpha testing stage. It was full of bugs and not even the “core systems” were thoroughly reviewed with the players’ best interest in mind. Yes, Legion did improve over the months after its launch but that was only because they reintroduced what they had taken away from the game during the development phase between WoD-Legion. The mage tower patch saved Legion from being a total failure but that was only because they reimplemented what they had already taken out of the game. The mage tower also remains one of the best type of contents they had added in years–we were promised mage tower in BfA but that didn’t happen Why isn’t Torghast similar?

BfA was launched in the same state as Legion. The game was unfinished and it felt like the classes were incomplete because they were not ready at launch. Player feedback was again ignored regarding Azerite gear because Ion and his team know best. I am not even going to get into all of the reasons BfA was a failure from the story to game design, but it was in fact a failure of an expansion.

Shadowlands was believed to be an improvement but behind all the false promises, we still had these same “core systems” in place to punish players. If they had made this game for their players instead of their shareholders we wouldn’t have these threads about FFXIV. Just watch their Dev interviews, you can see the difference in their design philosophies. The SE Devs seem passionate about making a game for their players. The difference is night and day.

  • FFXIV’s sub count is estimated to be the highest in the world since April 2021. This was before big streamers swapped over and the sub count is even higher now. There was a massive influx of new players in June/July 2021.

  • FFXIV broke Steam records for most played game EVER and this was in the midst of a content drought without any new patch or expansion launch. Steam is also an alternate platform for FFXIV players which many FFXIV players don’t use. They use the Square Enix launcher instead of Steam which is not taken into account in this player count. The actual count is MUCH MUCH higher.

  • FFXIV also recently broke Twitch record for Asmongold’s stream with over 210k viewers for a single stream and he had 7k new subs. I know many people dislike Asmongold here for whatever reason but he is known for his WoW streams. He had more viewers during his single FFXIV stream.

  • Gaming news and info sites have started placing FFXIV above WoW in MMORPG ranking, two recent examples are mmorpg(dot)com and IGN both of whom ranked FFXIV Shadowbringers above Shadowlands.

  • And lastly, FFXIV has been improving since Realm Reborn. Heavensward was an amazing expansion which improved everything about Realm Reborn, and then Stormblood, and now Shadowbringers which is arguably the best expansion yet. Square Enix listens to player feedback and make their games for their playerbase. Do you get it? FFXIV has been climbing in popularity ever since its launch and its actually been getting BETTER every expansion because the Developers are MAKING THE GAME THEIR PLAYERS WANT TO PLAY. The development philosophy is much different here. They’re making the game their Devs want to make and they have already stated that in their Q&A, going as far as to say WoW players are not game devs lmfao. You don’t need to be a game dev to provide feedback about systems in the game that you are forced to play with. You don’t need to be a game dev to say that the systems do not work.

In closing, FFXIV is another fantastic MMORPG on the market that does a lot of things better than WoW in terms of its PvE content, story, and the RPG aspects of the MMO genre. WoW does have its positives but the game design is at its absolute worst state that its ever been. The core systems makes the game into a chore. The Devs do not care about player feedback and have not cared since before Legion alpha. If you like PvP you probably won’t enjoy FFXIV but everything else about FFXIV is actually much more enjoyable. It feels like a game instead of a job and it respects your time and because of that the MMO environment is much nicer.

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wow…that’s a big wall o text. Your opinion is good but you seem to neglect the basis of things.

we don’t know of that as Squeenix (like Blizzard) never shares total numbers, also that’s mostly due to free perks being thrown in to entice players.

That’s more due to folks exploiting the Summer Sale to get the core+Shadow for half off. Kinda a nothingburger as you admitted they were using the Squeenix launcher vs Steam. So kinda easy to flaunt when you can put your game on sale

You also ignore that it was revealed that Squeenix was doing a partnership with Twitch via mount raffles that required people to gift subs to get a chance for a mount (The Fat Black Chocobo mount was an example). Kinda shows that they’re more or less bribing/moneyhatting people to get their game padded.

websites use clickbait for anything and like with Twitch, they do this to get moneyhatted free stuff/early access to Endwalkers in order to get that sweet sweet swag news.

that is basically subjective. If they did, they’d make player housing easier (it’s a nightmare and you lose your house if you take a break.) Improve ARR/Leveling in a general instead of just saying “buy this to skip story”. Provide more endgame content (not enough Savage content.) Make playable races playable and not locking genders behind an expansion paywall, Ect.

FF14 isn’t really anything that impresses people. It’s a good game, but using big talking heads as an example of health isn’t a good thing. It’s mostly padding by players on free trials. Once that’s up, they’ll return to WoW (and just because some say they’re leaving for good doesn’t mean they’ll carry it out."

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Oh “free perks” like that WoW trial too? Blizzard actually have better deals than Square Enix just fyi. For $15 you get access to 3 separate versions of WoW (Classic, TBC Classic, Shadowlands). You get all the past expansions and Shadowlands is also on sale. Don’t listen to me though. You need only to spend 5 minutes reading the articles that talk about FFXIV and WoW in 2021.

Another excuse lmao

And people are buying it because FFXIV is a better MMORPG. You completely ignored the fact that FFXIV stream was Asmongold’s most successful stream ever and he is a WoW streamer. You also ignored it broke Twitch record of a single stream with 210k+ viewers, but okay.

It was totally fine when WoW was #1 though XD

It is not subjective. It’s clear you absolutely adore Shadowlands and that’s totally fine. You can love it but objectively it’s a terrible expansion. This is coming from all sorts of players, from casuals to super hardcore Mythic raiders.

If it didn’t impress people, they wouldn’t switch from WoW. I just feel people like you get threatened over the mention of FFXIV as if we don’t have free will to like both games. FFXIV does MMORPG better because the Devs care about their playerbase which brings in profit because players actually enjoy the game. That’s the reality of it and it’s finally catching on. Unlike you, I’ve played both games and one of them objectively does the MMORPG part better than the other. WoW did excel in PvP but the state of PvP is atrocious right now so there’s nothing interesting about it.

As long as people like you keep defending Blizz and praising them for these horrendous game design decisions, they’ll keep pumping out xpacs like BfA and Shadowlands.

depends on what defines as a good. Sure getting access to classic servers is a perk on its own but when you get things like a free extra 14 days for returning players, Recruit-A-Friend stacking benefits and swag (Sure Blizzard has that too.) Though FF14 gives you free to play up to 60 (and up to Heavensword.) Blizzard limits you to several things, but hey at least both aren’t as predalitious as SWTOR.

not really an excuse when you yourself said this.

so in short, steam sale records sound like folks going around for cheaper copies. Again, not knocking on bargain hunters but don’t use metrics.

because in reality Asmons stans will just flock, but it’s funny how he’s an absolute in MMOs, when in reality he’s free to play whatever game he said. But hey, he said he’d still play WoW and won’t be swapping over. And you outright ignored the Fat Black Chocobo raffles I brought up. However I know, it was a very big snaffu that got everyone confused.

because again as I said. Websites use clickbait for whatever it is. But It’s funny how you use sources to dismiss.

I do like Shadowlands but you’re making it sound like I worship the game like a god. Kinda surprising.

and yet you go into damage control the second anyone brings up criticism. Bash the bad storytelling of WoW but defend that FF14’s story gets better past ARR.

Criticize folks for defending WoW’s bad history while damage controlling anyone here who even gives the slightest criticism of the gameplay itself. It’s no wonder why folks get bad vibes from FF14’s fanbase. You do know that though some may not play both games, word of mouth can still be a big issue. I mean, some get vibes of FF14 from folks like this guy

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Thank you for your thoughts on FFXIV even though you haven’t played FFXIV at all.

I have played both. I am enjoying it and haven’t enjoyed a MMORPG like this since maybe MoP. You are entitled to your opinion and I hope you respect the opinions of others who don’t share your views.

I stand by what I said.

That right there, things would be easier if folks didn’t shill the game here and bash others. Then maybe it would, but folks barely understand that.
What i’m saying is that by saying you respect others opinions its what the right answer should be.
So yes, I’ll respect your opinion.

Stopped reading here.

Anima is nothing like Artifact power or Azerite. Why should anyone listen to you when you dont even understand the basics?

Anima is literally only used for cosmetics. It has basically no player power attached to it.

Anima is required for covenant upgrades. You also need 1k a week for renown. The mission table literally has Soul Ash missions and then there are conductor tokens. There is also gear you can purchase with Anima which is pretty useful for alts, so yes there is player power attached to Anima regardless of what YOU believe.

Stop spreading misinformation. I can’t believe I have to explain why people grind Anima here. It’s obvious you read something on Reddit this one time and you’re repeating it here like you know what you’re talking about. Ridiculous lmfao. Tf out with your “cosmetic-only” bs.

Which has no player power tied to it.

Which takes all of 30 minutes to get.

And ignoring it doesnt delay your legendaries at all.

Kortia gear is better, and cheaper.

Because people want the cosmetics, mounts, and pets, duh. No ones ****ing farming Anima for irrelevant covenant sets that were obsolete within a week of hitting 60.

Thank you for admitting it there is player power tied to it and that you need to grind Anima.

if you’re referring to the Covenant armor, as the guy said Korthia armor surpasses it now. So please don’t be obtuse.

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Because it does.

I dont condone gatekeeping or ignoring actual fair criticisms such as the painfully flawed housing system, the lacking pvp, or the issues such as hats for Viera and Hrothgar.

The problem with a lot of the ‘criticisms’ are the ones based on blatant false information, nitpicks and false assumptions.

I dont condone it but people plenty of people on the internet can get aggressive towards these matters. Its happened on WoW many times.

FFXIV is now the #1 MMORPG on the market

No lies detected.

i miss when WoW was still at its best. At least i have all kinds of good memories though.

So much text for being wrong! FF14 being #1 on MMO-Population is old news that is no longer factual. It was a small blip of time they held the spot. Now WoW is back in it’s rightful place as #1. Why? Because it’s the better game.

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Lol, okay…


My BSdar is detecting heavy amounts of BS.