Why even open a Fresh Server if you're just going to kill it off?

I left Grobbulus EXCLUSIVELY for a fresh server experience, and now I can’t even take my character I made on Maladath back to Grobbulus because its restricted, even for people that already were established and played classic and TBC over there.

Guess my character will die on Maladath because I refuse to rebuild my social circle on another server after seeing how this server was treated. Not only does leaving fresh server reduce the prestige of some of my achievements(100 mounts, immortal, ect.), the free server xfer options are all garbage.

I’m only interested in staying on Fresh server or going back to my main server. So I guess I’m just screwed by Blizzard’s poor server management. At least until they open xfer’s to Grob again. In which case Blizz just sucks another $25-50 out of my pocket just so I can have a somewhat decent experience playing their game I already spend $15 a month to play.

Its very tempting to just cancel my membership and play something else at this point.