Why even name our characters?

its why I hate the game I’m surround by people but I’m interacting with no one and just forced to do boring lame chores that’s called content and everyone on the forums expects me to be happy about it.

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You gotta admit, openly saying you dislike something you actively pay for is pretty… lol worthy. Especially when that thing is a video game.

i only paid for a month and im only playing it because im bored and cant find anything worth playing anymore.

Not the route I would have taken but you do you.

Both, and you have those players with accents in their name, some of them are just whack symbols that make no sense.

Plus you get guys with names like I have in my group, Redcoolaid, do I call them Red? Cool? Coolaid?

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Ask them…or just call them red



It does get a little dehumanizing to constantly be referred to as “DPS” and “Warr”.

Well then.

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dps kill
healer heal
tank dont die and keep agro

seems simple enough to me. I’m not going to remember the names of 40 random people that I’ll never interact with outside of the instance with. you are tank or dps and if i need to specify ill say warrior tank or warrior dps like the majority of player in this game treat me i will treat them the same . they are npc only there to help me get to the end of the dungeon or raid.

On one hand, I understand saying a shortened version of the class name is more so a preference then anything, since saying a shortened version of the character will accomplish the same goal.

That said, I’ve discovered people who do say the class name are often the ones to go:

“Hey warr, do X mechanic.” while ignoring the fact there is four other warriors in the group.

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We have 5 hunters in our raid… It would get confusing haha. We use our names thankfully.

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Thank you…”dehumanizing” THAT was the word I was looking for when I started this post :joy:

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blizzard dehumanized the game long ago as well as their staff.

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yep and fine with that, my guild all call me rose cause rose is in all of my toons names, rose is not my real name so i dont care :stuck_out_tongue:

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really? im called hawk


Ok, DPS hunter.

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oh light it happened!


Yeah that would be nice…Guild Wars2 has it somewhat and other games too I’m sure where as we’re limited to what…12 letters? I’d love to be able to add last names to my characters and show that some are of the same family…kinda hard to do on a restriction though so I’ve had to figure out nicknames for my character names lol.

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It’s so very sad…this is one of my favorite games…and to see it reduced to this is purely heartbreaking

Reporting for duty! :joy: