Why enter arenas afk then come back half way through?

I’ve had three separate ‘Solo-Shuffle’ arena clusters, where a member of my party was AFK the entire match a game, two or more when on my team — only to come back on the match they’re against me & go all out …

Three of those in a row, essentially having having 2 VS 3 matches spiraled my rating down from 1781 to 1663 :upside_down_face: So much for my goal @ getting 1800 for elite set :joy: :sob:

But seriously …

Why hit ‘ENTER-ARENA’ if you’re not actually ready??

  • Seeing it happen once made me grizzled & think it was bad luck — but having three separate shuffle-clusters in a row happen!?? Come on now:face_exhaling:

Anyway, it came to my attention it may had been a server-issue rather than derp-player issue; I’m not sure what the name of the other two afk players were but the most recent one the player was on the server ‘FROSTMOURNE’

I was curious as to whether others have experienced the same issue or if I’ve just suffered a misfortunate injustice :joy:

Bots everywhere?

I’ve had that happen a few times I just assumed it was some form of win trading


Pay to win mode

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Yeah I considered the same thing honestly.
I’ve encountered it in the past, but not three separate cluster Shuffle queues in a row.

Lost 118 rating because of it :sob:

:cry: Feel like I’m never gonna get that elite set …

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I have the same problem :confused:

Maybe they’re blizzard operated bots and like most modern blizzard products are prone to failure.

I mean, word is that healers are in scarcity for PvP at the moment — so operating healers to lose & not achieve goals is a good sound way to make it more scarce & kill the PvP community even more.

Because honestly, I rather feel like if I don’t get the elite set for this season – I’ll probably just quit PvP in WoW altogether

Would you enjoy healing the present meta? Oh you’re a priest, my bad.

I wouldn’t enjoy healing this

Maybe they really had to poop and thought it would be a quick ghost one but turned out to be really constipated. They didnt wanna miss there 45 minute que to use bathroom


gg that was me shake the paw

All three separate people in a row, needing to AFK so they could poop? … Probable, for sure — but very unlikely. :joy:

Ur mog is mid and I don’t like ur name, enough reason to troll the lobby.


K …

Whatchya got against Aussies Mr.Bee? :pleading_face:

It is incredibly frustrating if you’re on that players team for 2/3 games, which are basically just free, then have to play them 3x with them actually playing. But, to play devil’s advocate, I’ve also had situations where I’ll join the game, DC almost immediately when the gates open (not internet connection related), then have to relog+put in my authenticator+reload and by then 1 or 2 games have already been lost. It happens less than 1% of the time, but it has happened

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I have never seen this, do you have avideo?

Could also just be alt+tabbing/bio/RL

Nah, I don’t stream – but judging from the replies both in the forums AND in-game, I’m obviously not the only one who’s experienced such misfortunate ordeals.

  • Mind you, I did report these players for game-play sabotage as well — but whether anything will come out of it, is another thing …

Anyway like I said, I had considered the possibility it might’ve been a bug-issue with servers; although there’s bound to be a few players time to time who do such out of either various intentions or some other reasons. :person_shrugging:

I was ready when the queue popped. Then something came up irl, I didn’t think twice, I just afk’d the world of warcraft arena to tend to rl things.


I understand it happening once a blue moon here & there and honestly I usually just shrugged it off on those rare occurrences — but when it happens a few frequent times in close proximities, it kind of starts to raise an eyebrow.

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its Christmas, this happens all day everyday.